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House parties, some fancy dress, some very civilised (ish) and some plain debauched. Parties have provided some of the best photo opportunities I've had over the last few years - a large number of people packed into a very small space, and all very drunk. I really can't imagine a better use of the metaphor "It's like shooting fish in a barrel".
Stew's Birthday
Saturday 21st July A fancy dress party down in Canterbury for Stew's birthday, the theme being rock/pop stars.
Kate's Birthday
Saturday 29th January 2005 A "mythical creatures and people" themed fancy dress party at Rob and Kate's place to celebrate Kate's 25th birthday.
Burns Night
Tuesday 25th January 2005 A Burns supper to celebrate the work of the famous Scottish Bard.
Steve's 30th
Saturday 21st August 2004 A surprise barbeque to celebrate Steve's 30th birthday.
David and Cheryl's Engagement and Fireworks Party
Saturday 8th November 2003 David and Cheryl's engagement party, which was conveniently held in conjunction with their annual fireworks party.
Bond and Beyond 2 - Gav's Party
Saturday 2nd August 2003 A James Bond themed fancy dress party to celebrate Gav's birthday (not sure which one) at his house in Bristol.
David's Fireworks Party
Saturday November 2nd 2002 Hardly any pictures of fireworks, surprisingly.
Ben and Anna's Halloween Party
Friday November 1st 2002 "Want to go to a party?" said Rob. "Great!" said I. "Fancy Dress?" said Rob. "Great!" said I. "Both of us dressed as nuns?" said Rob. "Ah." said I.
David's Party
Saturday July 20th 2002 Pig, Plymouth, pints, party.
Meryem's and Cedric's Birthday
Saturday 12th January 2002 A jolly little birthday party at Stanhope Road for Meryem's and Cedric's birthday.
Mexican Party
Saturday 30th September 2001 House warming party at Justin and Sam's new house with a distinctly Mexican flavour...
Michelle and Libby's Birthday
Saturday 30th June 2001 A barbeque/bonfire/party at my old house for Libby and Michelle's birthdays.
Stanhope Halloween 2000
Friday 27th October 2000 The third (and perhaps final?) scandalous party at Stanhope Road. Perhaps the most rife with scandal to date. These pictures are mostly taken by other people, as I didn't have a camera myself at the time.
Friday 26th May 2000 The second Stanhope fancy dress party, and another great set of pictures!
Leon's Birthday
Friday 19th May 2000 Another bout of alcoholism in Canterbury. This time there was actually a reason for it though!
Rob's Party
Saturday 29th April 2000 A joint party at Rob's house to celebrate his birthday, Byrnie's birthday, and me leaving Reading (well, sort of)...
My Birthday!
Wednesday 15th March 2000 See the pictures from my (23rd) birthday bonfire in my back garden on.
21st-23rd January 2000 Pictures from a weekened of excessive alcoholism in Canterbury.
October 30th 1999 See dodgy pictures from the Halloween party at Stanhope Road.
Leon's Party
October 23rd 1999 See what went on at Leon's house warming party in Dorset.