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Simon is one of those great friends who I can not see for ages then immediately pick up with again where we left off when we do finally meet. Thus the sets of pictures with Simon in form a sort of continuous narrative despite being disjoint in time.
Radstock Reunion
Friday July 11th - Sunday July 13th 2008 A weekend reunion (with the main event on Saturday) of almost all the former tenants of Radstock Road, a decade after most of us graduated.
Simon's Birthday
Friday 17th December 2004 Dinner and a few drinks in Pangbourne (and Aldworth!) to celebrate Simon's birthday.
Night Out in Pangbourne
Friday 16th July 2004 A tour of Pangbourne's watering holes and eateries with Simon and Susannah.
Woodcote Steam Rally
Saturday 10th July 2004 A day out in a field drinking beer and looking at steam engines.
My Birthday in Windsor
Saturday 13th March 2004 A pub crawl in Windsor to celebrate my Birthday.
Simon in England
Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th March 2003 Simon came to England from Hungary on a business trip, which gave us a perfect opportunity to meet up.
Simon and Susanna's Wedding
Saturday August 10th 2002 The day Simon and Susanna got married.
British Museum and Abeno
Saturday 11th May 2002 Me, Simon and friends at the British Museum, and Abeno, a Japanese restaurant just around the corner. Taken the day my second digital camera met its tragic end.
Weekend at Simon's Place
Friday 18th and Saturday 19th January 2002 A trip down to see Simon in Dorset, including miniature singing arabs.
Saturday 18th August 2001 A barbeque at Pops' house in Swindon, with an all star cast including Jon Ellis, Simon, Gary and Al Hall...
Another Trip Simon made to London
Saturday 9th June 2001 A fairly pointless set of pictures of some general messing about in London.
Odd Weekend in Dorset
Friday 11th - Sunday 13th May 2001 A trip to see Simon in Dorset. How's the French Accordian?
A Weekend with Simon
Saturday 3rd - Sunday 4th March 2001 When Simon and co came to visit me in London.
Simon's Visit to Reading
Saturday 15th January 2000 Some drunken pictures taken very late at night, when Simon came to visit me in Reading.
Leon's Party
October 23rd 1999 See what went on at Leon's house warming party in Dorset.
July 1998 The day I (along with a number of my friends) graduated from Reading University.