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All the fun afforded by mud, tents, beer and interesting toilet experiences. That, and the small possibility of remembering to go and see some bands. I feel like I'm getting a bit old for this sort of thing now, but at the same time I'm pretty sure I haven't been to my last festival already.
Beer Festival
Friday 29th April 2005 A few pictures from my brief visit to the beer festival, and my last chance to see a load of old work friends before leaving the country.
Woodcote Steam Rally
Saturday 10th July 2004 A day out in a field drinking beer and looking at steam engines.
Glastonbury 2004
Friday 25th - Sunday 27th June 2004 Our second trip to the king of festivals.
Beer Festival
Friday 30th April 2004 A night spent at Reading's annual beer festival.
Glastonbury Festival
Friday 27th - Sunday 29th June 2003 Mine and Chie's first trip to the legendary music festival.
Beer Festival
Friday 2nd May 2003 Under the cold English typical early summer weather, we enjoyed trying lots of beers!
Reading 1999
Thursday 25th - Sunday 29th August 1999 Leon, me, Gav, the kidney et al at Reading Festival '99.
Reading 1998
Thursday 27th - Monday 31st August 1998 See what me and Leon did at the Reading Festival '98.