| Main | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday | |
[10:32] Mags wisely hides away in her tent from the horrible beast that is morning. |
[10:40] Strange how no-one looks that lively... hmmm... |
[10:40] Yea thanks Leon. |
[13:01] On the way back from a quick trip into town we find Fish, Fish's sister, Dwaine (sorry don't know how to spell that) and Rob. |
[13:56] This, believe it or not, is the lineup for the comedy stage. |
[14:51] Erm, dunno. |
[16:40] Lucie makes my camera look poo by getting out her Wine Gums camera. Nice one. |
[16:42] Those are Lucie's fingers there. |
[18:22] Leon builds a fort. Ahhhhh. |
[18:27] Leon discovers the box the kidney (beer keg) comes in makes a rather fetching hat. |
[19:45] The sun begins to set over the festival... |
[19:53] ...but point your camera the other way and it still looks like daylight... Heres Rob, Pete and Dwain (still dunno how to spell that). |
[20:28] Heres the chemical brothers then. Made use of my camera's microphone at this point but its not up to much. Anyway, heres a quick sample. |
[20:37] Good example of those people who constantly point forwards in time with the music. Well, yea, we all know where the stage is, but thanks for the tip anyway. |
[20:46] Nice hair!!! |
[20:49] And again... Heres another sample. |
[21:41] Errr, this is probably some of a different band. Can't remember. |
[21:48] This, believe it or not, is Uncle Peter of Vic and Bob fame. |
[23:45] A mouse found in someone's tent. |
[03:23] Back at the campsite and its very smokey indeed. I probably went to bed just after this. |