Moving in
June 1996
A few pictures in St. George's Hall, plus the earliest of Radstock as we move our stuff in.
Around the House
July 1996
General pictures around the house.
Liz & Oliver Pay a Visit
October 1996
That fateful evening when John got really drunk and invited a bunch of strangers
(including future Robot Wars star Oliver Steeples) to the house.
House, Department, Garp
October or November 1996
A set of pictures starting in the house, then a few in the systems lab in the
department, also a couple around the Gordon Lecture Theatre (including Mr
Gordon Lecture Theatre Duck).
Finally ends up at GARP.
Lucy, plus Amigas
November or December 1996
A couple of pictures from when John's sister Lucy came to stay
(with a few suspicious omissions), plus
Jon and John messing about with their Amigas.
Russ & Jill
January or February 1997
When Russ and Jill came to visit John.
January or February 1997
John, Simon and Gary go to visit Pops and Al Hall in Hounslow.
Birthday & Balloons
March 1997
A few pictures around the time of John's birthday, including lots of balloons.
Miscellaneous Spring Term
Maybe April 1997
A few odd pictures, possibly taken in the spring term.
Beer Festival
May 1997
One of Radstock's most memorable all day benders, during Chiara's visit.
Reading Beer Festival followed by the Monk's Retreat.
Chiara, Union and so on
May 1997
A few more pictures of Chiara's visit. also a few pictures of the union.
Before Italy
June 1997
A couple of odd pictures on the same roll of film as the pictures from
John's visit to Italy.
July 1997
John's visit to Italy, during which time he obviously wasn't in a very photographic mood -
over two weeks yielded a mere ten pictures.
Lorenzo Leaving
August 1997
The last time John saw Lorenzo before he went to Japan for a year.
A goodbye picnic (?!) on Green Park in London. Also a few pictures of
Jason who stayed in Radstock for a while during the summer.
Simon & Gary Moving in
September or October 1997
Various Radstocky pictures, including Simon and Gary moving furniture about.
October 1997
A collection of pictures of gratuitous Radstock drinking.
Party, etc
December 1997
Around the time of the party in Decomber (for Simon's birthday),
the one with all the luminous paint.
Scavenger Hunt
June 1998
Simon, Gary and John on a scavenger hunt.
July 1998
Just a couple of pictures from graduation day - the last real Radstock gathering.
These pictures were all scanned in and annotated by John in February 2002 - a
long time after they were taken! So generally the Is and mes refer to John, who also talks
about himself in the third person a lot of the time, just to confuse you.
The pictures are hopefully ordered chronologically, they're grouped roughly into films,
where possible going back to the negatives to identify which pictures belong
to which films, so mostly they're in order, but most of the dates are a bit
of a guess and might not be totally accurate.
There's a notable gap from January to June in 1997. This is a a bit of a shame,
and is down to a number of reasons. Partly, I must not have taken
so many pictures during this time, what with final exams, reports and so on, or there
might even be a missing (or undeveloped) set of photos lurking about
somewhere. Still, there's plenty of other pictures, and hopefully they've captured
something of the spirit of Radstock.
Anyway, enjoy, and don't let it get you down if looking back through these
pictures makes you miserable and realise that life just goes down hill after you graduate.
On a final note... why aren't you drinking?