Lazy SundayPosted on 2016/01/20 22:00:49 (January 2016). [Sunday 17th January 2016]
Mostly tried to keep Erika entertained at home in the daytime, as we were a bit too lazy to go out (it was, in our defence, a bit cold, winter having finally arrived properly in the last few days). I did make one foray out in the morning to go and buy bread and coffee beans, but even for that I cheated and used the bus to travel less than a mile to the coffee shop.
Made the old stalwart lentil and tomato soup for lunch, which Erika actually ate (I think the previous time I'd done this she just picked the bits of pasta out and left the rest).
In the evening the girls went to see a friend of Chie's for a nabe party, and I was given a couple of hours off. Although, I say that, just as I was starting to relax I got a message from Chie to say Erika had dropped her toy rabbit out of her buggy on the way to the station, so I had to venture out and find it. On my way out I spotted a fox, very casually eating out of somebody's bin. I stood just a couple of metres away to take a picture, it didn't seem at all bothered.
Fortunately I found the rabbit before the fox did.
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