Dr John Hawkins
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Maison de Stuff
Easter SundayPosted on 2014/05/02 22:10:14 (May 2014). [Sunday 20th April 2014]
Having made quite a big effort to get out and do things over the first half of the four day Easter weekend by today we'd partly run out of steam a bit, and partly thought we could all do with a lazy day just slobbing around the flat.
I only went out towards the end of the afternoon to buy things for dinner - I was in the mood for a Sunday roast - but realised actually a lot of shops were closed. I never seem to be able to predict which days things are going to be open over easter. I ended up just about managing to get what I needed between the Sainsbury's Local next to Victoria station, and one of the several Holland and Barretts in the area. Why are there so many?
The roast was not particularly successful - no matter how hard I try I just don't seem to be able to achieve crispy roast potatoes in our oven. It is a source of constant frustration!
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