Saturday in HiroshimaPosted on 2013/05/28 00:59:07 (May 2013). [Saturday 25th May 2013]
There was a second ceremony today for Chie's Grandfather, who had passed away last month. We thought it probably wouldn't have been a suitable venue for a baby, so I looked after Erika for the duration of it, after having briefly showing our faces beforehand to meet some of Erika's relatives.
The ceremony was some way out of the centre, leaving me and Erika to find our way back to the Moriwaki's flat from an unfamiliar part of the city, which wasn't close to a station. We initially got on a bus, but when that got to the part of Hiroshima where Chie's Grandmother lives I realised we were heading in the opposite direction, so got off and waited for a taxi instead.
The taxi driver was a very friendly sort of chap, and we had a chat for the duration of the journey about his grandchildren, and the regional specialities of Hiroshima.
Erika and I wandered around in the vicinity of Hiroshima station for a bit as I tried to find something for lunch, amongst one or two "depachika" (the food hall places in the basement of department stores). Eventually I bought twice as much tempura as I wanted, because the woman behind the counter didn't hear me properly.
Got the train from there to Chie's parents flat. Later on in the afternoon when Chie and her family got back from the ceremony we popped out for ice cream, and then again later on to the supermarket.
In the evening had the usual mixed bag sort of a dinner, including umibudou - sea grapes - one of my favourite kinds of seaweed.
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