London to TokyoPosted on 2013/05/25 01:56:00 (May 2013). [Sunday 19th May 2013]
We hadn't stayed too late at the wedding last night, mindful that we were off to Japan the next day, although mercifully the 2pm-ish flight meant we didn't need to leave home until nearly 11.
Erika was fairly good on the flight, although I started to feel a bit stressed towards the end - the cabin is dark for most of the flight, and somehow most of the passengers seem to go to sleep (I still can't understand how people can manage that). Erika wasn't being especially noisy but she was a bit tired and a bit fed up so was a bit grizzly for a time, and I felt quite under pressure to not disturb the other passengers. As before we spent a lot of time walking up and down the plane, and standing at the bit at the back where the lights are kept on, but that's no longer an option if there's turbulence and they put the seatbelt lights on. So some parts of the flight were a bit frustrating, but we got through it.
I watched the first Hobbit film on and off when Erika was sleeping or otherwise engaged. I don't think I liked it quite as much at the Lord of the Rings films - there seemed to be a lot more bits added in (I found Sebastian the hedgehog particularly surprising) but it made for a pleasant distraction from the tedium of being on a plane.
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