Black FriarPosted on 2012/03/11 09:55:54 (March 2012). [Sunday 4th March 2012]
Chie went out to see a friend in the daytime. I had some work to catch up on so decided to leave her to it, and spent most of the afternoon in the office. In the evening Chie decided to stay on for dinner with her friend, and so I was left to my own devices. I didn't feel like cooking for myself, so instead I got the tube to Blackfriars (this in itself added a bit of excitement to the excursion, given that it has only recently reopened after an extended closure) and popped into the Black Friar for some vegetarian sausages and mash. They seemed to have cleaned up a bit inside, or maybe it was just a trick of the lighting, and also they'd just instigated an area of table service. The latter development was a slight cause for concern, as it seemed to be taking a step in the direction of the dreaded gastropub.
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