Dr John Hawkins
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SamphirePosted on 2012/02/04 10:23:56 (February 2012). [Wednesday 1st February 2012]
I'd picked up a pack of samphire in Waitrose last week and thought we'd better use it up tonight as otherwise it would probably end up going out of date. For a started I made some bruschetta with the last of the Marmonde tomatoes which had been rather good - and this was possibly the most successful part of the meal. The main course was a tad disappointing - first of all we used some unusual multi-coloured spaghetti we'd been given, that had the very ambitious cooking time of just 7 minutes on the packet. Now I'm all for al dente, but this was half raw. Should really have tested it and not just had blind faith on the packet timing. The samphire too was also a tad on the woody side, and arguably doesn't go as well with spaghetti as it does with some kind of filled pasta like ravioli. Oh well, you can't get it right every time.
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