Dr John Hawkins
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LatePosted on 2010/04/05 12:32:45 (April 2010). [Monday 29th March]
Initially left the office around 7 to head off to meet Chie in Knightsbridge, but got a call from one of my colleagues a short while later which meant I had to go back to work again. Did at least have enough time to go to the Waitrose in Belgravia and get some things for dinner.
There was another big important demo happening this evening involving the founders of my company, and there had been some problems with the demo earlier on so I ended up sticking around poised for action in case anything went wrong. In the end it all seemed to go fine, but it's one of those things a bit like carrying an umbrella to prevent it from raining.
Finally left the office about 11:30. Was rather tired as you can probably imagine.
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