Dr John Hawkins
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Maison de Stuff
Last Day in the Office of 2009Posted on 2009/12/25 16:26:21 (December 2009). [Friday 18th December]
Today was going to be the last day in the office for me of 2009 (although I was planning to put in a couple of days in Tokyo just before New Year).
As a result work today was very reminiscent of the last day of term at school - people were definitely already winding down in preparation for the holidays.
Chie went out for her second company Christmas party of the year this evening. I didn't have any plans for the evening, but slipped out of the office a tad early to do a spot of Christmas shopping. I headed over to Fortnum and Mason, and as I was leaving there was a flurry of snow over Piccadilly - it felt very festive. I was filled with a sense of imagined nostalgia. Very nice.
Didn't do anything particularly for the rest of the evening, a bit boring really.
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