So Apparently Dylan Thomas Wasn't A Very Nice ManPosted on 2009/02/26 23:46:12 (February 2009). [Monday 23rd February]
A somewhat regrettable day at work - following the particularly crappy week I'd had last week I sent one of those emails you immediately regret. That said, the truth be told I was really quite considerably fed up indeed, and there has to be some kind of outlet for that sort of thing - I cant help but think it is better to directly tell the people who have annoyed you what they've done wrong, as opposed to randomly losing your temper on some entirely unrelated person at a later date. So, it happened, it'll probably reflect badly on me, but it had to happen - just one of those things I suppose.
In the evening we watched a film Chie had got from Love Film called The Edge of Love. It was a wartime drama about two women, and, oddly enough, Dylan Thomas. Other than knowing he's a Welsh poet my knowledge of him was very limited indeed, and, having assumed him to be revered by the Welsh in a similar way to how the Scottish look upon wee Rabbie Burns I was quite surprised to learn that, at least in the way he was portrayed in this film, that he was actually something of a git... but then I suppose Burns was far from perfect as well - he was, similar to Thomas, a serial womaniser, and considered going off to Jamaica to work as a slave driver. What an interesting quality it is, being a talented poet, that your other wrongdoings in life will be so easily overlooked.
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