Horrible SayingsPosted on 2008/09/24 22:02:25 (September 2008). [Friday 19th September]
We had decided to go to Abergavenny this weekend, to visit Vera and Robin, and also to go to the Abergavenny Food Festival.
To beat the rush Chie and I both left work at lunchtime today and headed over to Paddington to get the train to South Wales. Thanks to my 3G dongle thingy I was actually able to get a bit of work done on the train as well.
Arrived at Vera and Robin's house not long after 5, and then had a very pleasant and relaxing evening.
The highlight of the evening was Vera producing a piece of paper entitle "horrible sayings". She had enumerated a set of all the phrases that are commonly used on TV which really annoy her. Top of the list was "over the moon" and another high ranking contender was "ticked all the boxes".
It was quite splendid.
Comment 1
Send my bestest regards to Vera she is onestly one of the greatest person I have ever met!
Posted by Lox at 2008/09/25 16:18:17.