Boring Work Night OutPosted on 2008/08/26 21:35:58 (August 2008). [Thursday 21st August]
Went out for a couple of drinks with some people from work this evening. Apparently it was someone's leaving do, although I'd only ever spoken to the guy in question once before so I felt like a bit of a gatecrasher. We don't have a lot of leavings dos at my place, the few people that do leave seem to be either old timers who don't need to be paid any more, or people going off to form their own startups. I think this chap was in the latter group.
Anyway, it wasn't a particularly interesting evening (unbelievable though you may find it, software engineers don't always make for the most scintillating company) so I left after pint number 2. Not much else to report really.
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