Entertaining DignitariesPosted on 2007/12/17 22:58:44 (December 2007). [Thursday 13th December]
The engineering director of the (now quite large) project I work on was over from the US for a few days, starting from today, along another guy who has visited us a few times now. So after the usual meetings and presentations in the daytime we had the typical visiting-dignitary-night-out. A few people from my team came along for a drink or two initially, but it thinned out as the evening progressed, and by the time we decided we should get something to eat there was only me and one other guy from the London office left. Given that he doesn't live in London, the decision fell to me to decide on somewhere to eat. I typically dread this sort of assignment but on this occasion I was quite lucky - I had a flash of inspiration and remembered there was a fairly good tapas place near the office, which seemed to go down very well.
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