And Finally... On to JapanPosted on 2005/10/23 13:02:07 (October 2005). [Friday 21st October]
After some initial concern about whether or not my visa and passport would be ready in time, today I finally flew to Japan. Yet again I seemed to end up with an indirect KLM flight (via Amsterdam) despite being determined for a change to fly direct. Still, I think I am developing something of an affection for the Dutch airline, and if I have to go indirect, this seems to be the best way to do it.
The first connecting flight from London to Amsterdam was heavily delayed. They said it had something to do with having loaded on somebody's luggage who wasn't actually travelling - so after leaving the gate they had to go back and off-load it again. Usually when flying with KLM there's a couple of hours hanging around in Amsterdam, this time it was basically just enough time to walk from one gate to the other!
The long haul bit from Amsterdam to Tokyo wasn't bad I suppose. It was a big double decker jumbo, which I have now learnt means it isn't going to have screens in the back of each seat in economy. Still, the films on the main screen were surprisingly not that bad. I found Madagascar highly enjoyable, and also found some Japanese film called something like "Going Home" was surprisingly watchable. In addition there was Mr. and Mrs. Smith, which was just awful enough to be watchable. A combination of the films, the meals, and a bit of Sherlock Holmes made the time pass.
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