Back to the EmbassyPosted on 2005/10/23 24:53:29 (October 2005). [Thursday 20th October]
I have to admit to being a tad nervous this morning, and not having slept that well the previous evening. Given that availability was not that great on flights towards the end of the week, it had been necessary to book (and pay for) my flight before I had my visa, or risk not being able to get to Japan in time to start work. This was a bit of a gamble - if for some reason there was any delay in processing my visa, and it wasn't ready today, then I would lose the price of the flight, as not only would I not have my visa, I wouldn't have got my passort back either.
So I got a train into London from Guildford in the morning, and headed over with some trepidation to the embassy. Luckily though my fears were somewhat unfounded - my visa and passport were all ready and waiting. This put me in something of a good mood - finally it was all sorted out. The visa application process had taken just under two months in total.
I popped into Gendai again to pick up the tickets for my flight, and then headed over to the whisky society for a celebratory lunch. Headed back to Guildford after lunch, and spent the rest of the day there with Adrian, Liz, and the kids.
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