Everything falling into placePosted on 2005/06/30 23:02:30 (June 2005). [Thursday 30th June]
Today was another of those days where everything just fell perfectly into place. I am starting to worry that I'm building up a serious karma deficit, having everything go my way so much recently! I woke up early at Steve and Michelle's house, and Steve very kindly gave me a lift to university, where I needed to go and print the final copies of my thesis. I was on campus a bit too early for Mark, who I'd originally arranged to impose on for the printing, but managed to find alternative arrangements instead. The super fast printer in the departmental office rattled off three copies (almost 300 pages each!) in next to no time. I'd arranged to meet up with Barry towards the end of the morning - and the timing was perfect - the print job finished just a few minutes before 11 when Barry and Heather got to the university. We randomly went off to the nearby Morrison's (formerly Safeway) for coffee, some Battenberg, and a chat, for about an hour or so. Just after 12 I returned to campus and met up with Mark, and the two of us headed over to the union for lunch. I had cheese and chips, plus a pint of generic lager in a plastic pint glass - I was in utter heaven. After lunch Mark very kindly agreed to provide me with a taxi service, taking me, the three copies of my thesis, and all my luggage, to the binders on the fringe of campus, and from there on to the station.
I got on a train from Reading just after 3 - exactly the train I wanted to get on as it was one of the few that goes all the way to Derby without having to change. After a surprisingly pleasant train journey I arrived in Derby about quarter to six, exactly on time, where Mum and Keith met me off the train. We went back to Mum's house by way of the supermarket, and had pasta with an extremely nice salad (featuring lots of interesting leaves from Mum's garden). All in all another really great day - everything just slotted into place perfectly. I am sure this can't last, as I really don't deserve to be this fortunate!
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