A Bit of a FarcePosted on 2005/01/09 23:10:18 (January 2005). [8th January 2005]
Today started out with a plan which seemed quite simple - to go to a Korean food shop in the afternoon, and then for me and Chie to both go off and see friends in the evening. Unfortunately en route this turned into something of a farce. We had a nice afternoon in New Malden, which apparently has a big Korean community, and therefore lots of Korean shops and restaurants. In retrospect we probably lingered a bit too long, and went to too many shops, but it wasn't really until we came to leave New Malden that it began to occur to us we might be late for our evening engagements... and then it transpired we had to go back via Paddington (in thick traffic), and then make a stop off at Maidenhead, and then for some reason took the A4 rather than the M4 for the rest of the way. I'd arranged to go for a "blokey night" at David's house, with the vague instruction to turn up between 7 and 7:30. When I finally got there it was more like 9:30. Chie was supposed to be entertaining at our flat, and her friends had got so hungry they'd given up and decided to eat elsewhere instead! Oh well, these things happen I guess!
The Korean bakery we also visited in New Malden. Very much like a Japanese pan-ya (bread shop).
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