Christmas DayPosted on 2004/12/26 22:23:52 (December 2004). [Saturday 25th December]
Got up at a reasonable time and started on the main activity of the day - cooking. At some point during the morning we had a break so me and Chie could exchange gifts. Chie gave me a hip flask with a little engraved caricature of me on it which I absolutely love. Mum and Keith arrived towards the end of the morning, and after a further present opening session we had lunch. We'd decided to go for the main meal in the evening so lunch was a light affair - some Italian housewife soup followed by a cheeseboard. In the afternoon we went out for a little stroll down to the Thames before, during which my hip flask was successfully road tested. On return the cooking began again in earnest.
I was really pleased with dinner, it was all pretty traditional (in my opinion at least) - roast potatoes, parsnips, brussel sprouts, cabbage etc etc... and almost everything came out as I was hoping it would. This was largely due to having a huge helping hand from Chie! Plenty of booze flowed before, during and after dinner of course, it was a great atmosphere, and all told I had a really great day.
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