Lox, Lorenzo... ME!!
- A little introduction about the author and the blog itself. Plus contacts and CVs... You never know!
- A Selection of the best pictures that I have taken all over the world during the years, all nicely indexed by year and geographical area. Jolly good!
History of this Blog
- A collection of all the articles that I have wrote so far, divided by month/year.
I have had the bad idea of writing my e-mail address on the board before, so this time I'll try to prevent some spam to get to me by putting this little image.. Let's hope it does the trick!
Too quiet before the StormPosted on 2007/07/26 08:03:45 (July 2007). [Wednesday 25th July]
Day completely wasted in the office doing absolutely nothing all day, waiting to go to dinner with the general director and my colleague Tsunemi san to talk about the problems that we have at work.
Far too quiet, far too boring, sometimes I ask myself what the hell am I doing here in Japan...
The strange thing is that it seems that my employers do not ask themselves the same question.
Oh well...
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