Welcome to the picture section of this website. I have been quite lucky to have the opportunity of living abroad for quite a long period of my life, and to travel for work and pleasure to a lot of different places. This is a selection of the pictures, divided by year, of all my travels, day trips, excursions.
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author:John from 1996 to 1998
The Siena's Palio
2nd July 2011 The most famous medieval horse race in Italy, The Siena's Palio. A great spectacle, must come back next year!
10th-18th May 2011 First time to Australia, one of the greatest places I have ever been! Love it to bits already!
New Zealand
6th-10th May 2011 First time over in New Zealand, by far the farthest place I have been so far from home...
Greve in Chianti
Monday 25th April 2011 Day spent in Greve in Chianti among wineries, cheese and meat stalls... :)
Easter in Urbino
Sunday 24th April 2011 A great Easter day spent with Fabiana and Francesca at Urbino!
36th Birthday
2nd April 2011 My friends took me out for my birthday in 2011, great stuff!
Asia March 2011
20th March 2011 Yet another business trip to Hong Kong and Thailand!
Malmantile Medieval Festival
6th June 2010 Day spent in Malmantile for its medieval festival!
Business Trip Asia May
30st May 2010 Business trip that took me to Bangladesh, for the first time in my life!
Business Trip and Hanami
31st March 2010 This business trip was studied to get me in Japan during the Hanami season. No plan could have been made better!
New Year in Berlin
31st December 2009 New Year in Berlin with Chiara, Elisa, Francesco, Gianfranco and Federico!
Business Trip Asia November
21st November 2009 Business trip to Asia, this time Philippines, China, Korea and Japan.
Jordan Holidays
8th - 19th August 2009 Holidays in Jordan, land of marvels and nature!
Business Trip Asia June
10th June - 4th July 2009 A long trip around South East Asia, China and Japan.
Asia in March
3rd March - 27th March 2009 Business trip around Asia. Thailand, China, Korea and Japan this time!
Weekend in Tuscany
3rd - 4th January 2009 A quick break around southern Tuscany for a day spent in a spa and one spent around very nice typical villages!
New Year 2008
31st December 2008 New Year Party at Francesco and Elisa's place!

21st October - 13th November 2008 Business trip through several countries in Asia...
Weekend in Rome
11th-12th October 2008 A short weekend spent in Rome, to meet Tito, Cristina and Federico!
Holidays in France
9th-23rd August 2008 Holidays in France, what more can I say!?
2, Radstock Road Reunion
Friday 11th - Sunday 13th July 2008 After 10 years, we were all back together at Reading!! A reunion as I would have never dreamed of!
Pigs on the Hill 2008
Sunday 6th July2008 Yearly edition of Pigs on the Hill (with a surprise)...
Asia Business Trip
22nd June - 4th July 2008 Business trip to Hong Kong, Seoul, Japan and Taipei!
Gaia Christening
Saturday 21st June 2008 Gaia's Christening, some picture of the day!
Ruralia 2008
25th May 2008 Went to see some livestock and buy some great fresh products in a big open air fair near Florence.
20th-22nd May 2008 Business trip to Malta, with half a day tour of the main attraction!
24th April 2008 A brief holiday with Chiara, Gianfranco and Silvio at Portorose in Slovenia. Great thermal place, lovely food and Casinos for 3 days!
Elio e le Storie Tese
22nd April 2008 The concert of my favourite Italian band, Elio e le storie Tese, a great band, satirical/humorous rock band, absolutely great!
Meeting John in London
Thursday 10th April 2008 After a long time I met John in London, unfortunately I wasn't there for pleasure, but it was great to see him and Chie again!
Hong Kong and Taiwan
Somewhere in 2008 A trip to Hong Kong and Taiwan, some new sights that I never got before!
Somewhere in 2008 A trip to Thailand, where I managed to see Bangkok a little, marvellous city, marvellous people... A great country to visit.
Grandmother's Birthday
16th March 2008 My Grandmother turns 85!! A great occasion for a family reunion!
Fabio and Camilla Wedding
Saturday 26th January 2008 Fabio and Camilla married in Palazzo Vecchio today! Lovely ceremony and grand reception!
Chiara's Thesis
21st January 2008 Finally Chiara managed to get her degree, this is a brief account of the thesis discussion!
Christmas Holidays 2007
24th - 31st December 2007 Christmas Holidays 2007 with all the usual parties and dinners! (and many kilograms of food...)
Christmas Dinner 2007
23rd December 2007 Traditional reunion with all available friends for the Annual Christmas Dinner Event!
Giulia Baptism
9th December 2007 Giulia being baptised was a good chance to see all friends and spend half day together!
Dinner at Luana and Fabio's place
Saturday 24th November 2007 A lovely reunion of all the available friends at Fabio and Luana's place. Marvellous food and a great time.
18th November 2007 A day with my sister, my mum and my dad all together with Gabriele
Giulia and Fiesole
Saturday 17th November 2007 A Saturday night spent in a pub in Fiesole together with our special guest Giulia!
Holiday in Sicily
20th August 2007 Holidays in Sicily with Chiara, read all inside!
Enoshima Island
28 July 2007 A daytripper to Enoshima Island near Kamakura with Yuki-san!
8th July 2007 Ivan and Angela finally gave birth to Giulia, after nine monts and a bit!
Pigs on the Hill
30th June 2007 Pigs on the Hill, eat fest that saw 20 people devouring a huge quantity of pork... Mmmmmm
Paola's Wedding
30th June 2007 Paola was getting married and I couldn't miss it for the world!
S.Giovanni Night
24th June 2007 The fireworks display held for S.Giovanni, saint patron of Florence!
Pisa Luminarie!
16th June 2007 A night out in Pisa to assist to a marvellous fireworks display..
Barbeque at Stefano Place
13th May 2007 Barbeque at Stefano's place... YUMMY!
Short Holiday in Paris
4th - 6th May 2007 A short holiday in Paris.
Trapping Franz's House
21 April 2007 Elisa and Francesco were about to return after their honeymoon, to find some surprises waiting for them!
Francesco's Wedding
31st March 2007 Francesco wedding ceremony and party all together in a huge reportage!
Francesco Stag Do
16 March 2007 In the end we got around organizing Francesco Stag Do night. Nothing exciting, but it was good fun!
New Year 2006
31 December 2006 New Year's Party in Florence!
December in Japan
16 December 2006 Very long business trip to Japan, three weeks in Tokyo and a new job. But that doesn't stop the photographing machine!
Lucca Comics
1 November 2006 Me, Francesco, Federico and Elisa went to the annual meeting at Lucca to look at some comics and costumes, on the top of Role Playing Games and several other oddities...
Alessandra Farewell Party
25th October 2006 Alessandra was leaving my old employer too, and she threw in a party for her time in the company was over.
Holidays in Guadeloupe
4th - 21st August 2006 A marvellous summer vacation in Guadeloupe, lots of nature, beautiful beaches and sea!
Goodbye Dinner
26th July 2006 A dinner with my colleagues to say goodbye for my impending leave from the company.
London in July
25th July 2006 Short business trip to London!
A long weekend in Florence
20th - 24th July 2006 A long weekend spent in Florence before the holidays.
A different Weekend
15th-16th July 2006 A different weekend spent around Lombardia, first in Milan and second in Como.
Business trip to Japan
1st - 9th July 2006 This trip marked the end of the five years experience with the company up north. A sayonoara trip to say goodbye to all my customers, and to lay some bases for the future...
Marta's Farewell Party
23 June 2006 Marta's farewell Party, a bit late (as she already left the company), but good!
Pugi Cena
17th June 2006 Pugi Cena at Fabio and Luana's house. This time we get to watch Italy's World Cup match as well!
(con)Fusion Cuisine
06 June 2006 Dinner Party with a mix of different concepts thrown into the pot for sheer fun!
Florence June 2006
5th June 2006 Quick visit to Florence with Marta.
Business trip to Asia
7th - 26th May 2006 This business trip to Asia was certainly interesting under the novelty and new experiences point of view!
Luca and Laura get Married!
6th May 2006 Luca and Laura got married in Follonica, marvellous place over the Tuscan coastline. A great day for a great couple!
Constantinopolis a.k.a. Istanbul
26th-28th April 2006 Business trip to Istanbul, marvellous city, truly melting pot of different cultures and histories!
Cinqueterre Trip
22nd-25th April 2006 Holiday spent in Cinqueterre, marvellous land in Liguria together with Francesco, Simone, Elisa, Mariachiara and Marta!
Easter 2006
14th-17th May 2006 Easter, pretty busy hopping from Marta's hometown and Florence!
Rob and Kate
7th April 2006 I managed to hook up with Rob and Kate while they were in Florence for their honeymoon. MARVELLOUS!
March in Japan 2006
12 March - 31 March The first business trip to Japan of the year featured Marta coming with another company and a great meeting with John!
Surgery, Christmas and New Year Eve
December 2005 I had to get my cruciate ligament fixed so I have spent quite a lot of time in Florence during the Christmas festivities.
Business trip to Taiwan and Korea
November 2005 Business trip to Korea and Taipei
Japan Business Trip
28th October - 11th November This time the business trip to Japan had Carmine as a welcome guest!
Claudio's Wedding
6th October 2005 On a rainy Thursday me and some other colleagues went to celebrate Claudio's wedding!
Holidays in France
6th August - 20th August 2005 Finally the long awaited holiday arrived. This time we were heading for France and more precisely Les Issambres in Cote d'Azur
A week holiday in Florence
29th July - 5th August 2005 At last I managed to go back to my beloved Florence, only for a week, but I managed to spend quality time with all my best friends.
Family Reunion (John beign family for me of course!!)
Friday 3rd - Saturday 4rt June 2005 During yet another business trip I managed to arrange with John a great visit to Hiroshima and Chie's wonderful family. Needless to day that the two days flew past like a Jumbo Jet, still they were very nice!
Saturday 28th May 2005 It was a long time since the lat time that I set foot on this beautiful island. Nothing has changed, mind you but there were some interesting spots...
Florence with Marta
Saturday 21 May 2005 A long weekend spent in my beloved Florence. Marta eventually joined for the Saturday and Sunday, mostly to go shopping a wonder around.
Business Trip in Japan and Cherry Blossoms
Sunday 9th April 2005 Business trip to Japan in April, went to the usual Tokyo and Osaka. I was very lucky to get the Cherry Blossom season at its highest spot.
Visit at the Andeer spa in Switzerland
Saturday 22nd January 2005 Visit at the spa in Andeer (Switzerland) with Marta, Tanya and Gabriele.
Sesia Valley and Food
29th August 2004 A marvellous trip to Sesia Vally for a day walking/eating marathon.
August 2004 A couple of days spent in Marche, where Marta was born.
Trip to Florence after the holidays in Iceland!
August 2004 After a long holiday in Iceland I spent the remaining time in Florence before going back to work.
Trip to Ceriale with Bogio and Linda
21st - 26th June 2004 We managed to get a week holiday and sneak past wives and girlfriends to Ceriale for a relaxing week at the seaside.
Biking to Varese
17th June 2004 A day trip by myself to Varese, to catch some of the things that in four years I never had a chance to see.
Business trip to Japan
June 2004 The usual business trip to Japan for the summer season collection.
Races at Monza
30th May 2004 A day trip to Monza to see some old cars racing at the F1 track...
My sister's wedding in Sardinia.
15th May 2004 My sister was getting married! It still seems impossible that we were beating the shit out of each other and now she was walking to the altar... SHOCK!
Matteo's Wedding
14th May 2004 One of my best friends Matteo was getting married, the first of our group to go.. DOUBLE SHOCK!
Business trip around the World, including the first time to the United States!
March 2004 Long trip that took me from China to Japan and eventually to New York.
2004 at Different times All the 2004 pictures of Gabriele