Here's the pictures taken by me (John) on the evening of Michelle's 30th Birthday, 22nd June 2002. There's not a great deal of them, and I don't think they really do justice to such a prestigous evening, but if nothing else I suppose it's a record of who was there. Apologies in advance if I've got anyone's name wrong, misspelled, or just left them out altogether!
As always, click on the smaller thumbnail images to see the larger version. I reduced the originals to save space, and make downloading them quicker. Should, for any reason, anyone want full size originals to print or something, then send me an email, and I can get them to you.
19:24:46 More or less the moment when Michelle arrived to cries of "Surprise!". |
19:28:27 Michelle opening presents. |
20:01:38 Here's a picture of the table taken while I was waiting for the bar (where, if I may add, despite having clearly waited longer, I was usurped by another of Michelle's friends). |
20:01:47 Erm, well this will be the right hand side of the table - Steven, Cat, Mike, Paul, Richard, Anthony, Susan and Michelle. |
20:30:27 The other bit of the table. Note the hand painted bottles of very expensive champagne. (Ok, difficult to see the hand painted bits, but trust me, they were very nice). |
20:33:39 Michelle being pointed at in the style of a 1950s public information advertisment. |
22:14:50 Right, well this looks a lot like we're in Devana now, and it seems, already on the main course. |
22:15:04 Here's Anthony and Paul, enjoying a glass of St. Emillion. Paul's wine bill for the evening was quite staggering. |
22:15:22 Simon, Viv and Richard. |
22:16:01 Mike and Cat. |
22:16:38 Look, it's clive, and there's Ann, plus Susan, (Michelle's sister) as well as Kitty and Lucy (I think). Bizarrely, we seemed to have purely at random ended up with a girls table and a boys table. (with the exception of Clive of course). |
22:16:55 Any chance of not knowing whose birthday it is? |
22:20:16 Anthony and Michelle. |
22:22:35 Paul looking dastardly alongside (possibly) Warren. |
22:45:42 The back of one of the waiters, who is almost certainly considering a career move at this point. |
22:45:52 The cake may well be on it's way around about now. |
22:46:02 Yep, here it is. |
22:46:20 Singing may have occurred around this time. |
22:48:30 Look! It's me and Mike! |
22:54:08 Anthony, Michelle and Paul. Anthony and Paul were sitting opposite me in Devana, thus them featuring in more pictures. I'm not stalking either of them, honest. |
22:54:30 I think I'd complained there were too many eyes closed in the previous picture. |
22:55:06 Possibly the weight of the evening's beer and curry had made Simon tilt oddly in this fashion...? |
22:56:46 Clive, Michelle and Ann. Marvellous. |
22:57:12 Kate less than impressed by Michelle's notion of accessorizing. |
22:59:00 Myself with Anthony and Paul. I'm guessing Mike took this one. |
23:08:06 Whatever was being attempted here, it clearly failed. |
23:35:59 After leaving Devana, whom should we bump into on Kendrick Road, but Mark and Meryem? Superb. |
00:33:50 Under much duress, I was forced to join the others in the Turtle. Oh well, it could be worse. |
00:36:00 You may learn to regret your eagerness to get in front of the camera at that point, Michelle. |
00:38:40 Michelle, holding a number of bottles of Delirium, and her sister, looking on as something or other seems to be happening around the area of Paul's behind. Answers on a postcard...? |
01:04:56 Look, it's Saba! I'm guessing (with a fair degree of conviction) that Saba is somewhat less drunk than Paul and Michelle are at this point. |
01:23:51 Michelle had decided it was time to leave. Here she is with her sister, heckling some poor innocent passer by. |
01:24:27 Errr, Michelle was a bit tired and needed a rest here. Yes, that's it. |