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Trips to islands around the UK. My Dad and I share a strange obsession with islands which neither of us can quite pin down. So over the last few years we've made many visits to two islands in particular. First is Bardsey Island (or Ynys Enlli in Welsh) off the cost of North Wales, and secondly The Isle of Eigg, an island in the Inner Hebrides, off the coast of Scotland.
Devon July 2019
Saturday 27th - Wednesday 31st July 2019 Four nights in Devon to visit Dad, with a one night stay on Burgh Island in the middle.
Burgh Island May 2017
Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st May 2017 A quick weekend jaunt down to Devon to stay at the Burgh Island Hotel, back by way of Dartmouth (very briefly) and Starcross to say a quick hello to Dad.
Edinburgh and Islay
Saturday 1st - Saturday 8th September 2007 A week's holiday in Scotland, the first half in Edinburgh, and the second half visiting whisky distilleries on Islay.
Bardsey from the Mainland
Saturday 19 October 2002 A few rather pleasing views of Bardsey Island from the mainland.
Eigg 2002
Monday 12th - Saturday 17th August 2002 My third (and Chie's second) visit to the wonderful Isle of Eigg.
Eigg 2001
Friday 27th July - Saturday 4th August 2001 My second visit to Eigg, an island in the inner hebrides.
Bardsey Island '2000
Friday 4th - Tuesday 8th August 2000 Pictures from my 2000 trip to Bardsey, cut short due to the final demise of my first digital camera.
Eigg 2000
Saturday 3rd - Saturday 10th June 2000 My first trip to Eigg.
Bardsey Island '1999
Saturday 31st July - Saturday 7th August 1999 My trip to Bardsey Island in 1999.