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- Abroad
Any pictures taken outside of the UK. I love to travel, especially abroad, and try to get away as often as I can. This section includes trips around Europe - France, Italy and Belgium, as well as trips to the Far East (well, Japan).
- CanterburyTales
Basically these are any sets of pictures with Leon and/or Gav in, who I tend to think of as my Canterbury friends, despite having known Leon since I was about 15, and the fact that Gav now doesn't live in Canterbury. Anyway, together these pictures form a storyboard of a (still ongoing) saga of boozy shenannegans and generally rascally behaviour perpetrated by three drunken miscreants over the past few years.
- Celebrations
Birthdays seem to always provide a plausible excuse to go out, drink irresponsibly, and take lots of very bad photographs. Also thrown in for good measure here are a couple of weddings, some graduation days and even an ordination ceremony. Don't ever say we don't provide you with variety here at John's Pictures.
- Celebrities
Pictures involving famous people, although mostly only just. At the very least, these are all people who have appeared on television at some time or other.
- Chie
Pictures with Chie in. A handy category meaning her friends and family don't have to trawl through a load of irrelevant pictures to find the ones with her in. Interestingly, Chie's name in kanji (the chinese characters used by the Japanese) reads as "thousand pictures", and there probably are about that many in here.
- Drinking
Anything involving drinking - parties, nights on the town, all day pub crawls and so on. To be honest I'm now regretting having made this a category, as it covers just about every set of pictures I've taken.
- Eating
I'm really into cooking, and am in general a big fan of food so a lot of sets of pictures involve eating out, or some other food related goings on. It's a strange category, I struggle to imagine people coming to John's Pictures just to see pictures of me and my friends eating, but that's life I suppose. Often a bit pointless, that is.
- Europe
Pictures taken around Europe (other than in the UK).
- Family
Pictures involving my family.
- Festivals
All the fun afforded by mud, tents, beer and interesting toilet experiences. That, and the small possibility of remembering to go and see some bands. I feel like I'm getting a bit old for this sort of thing now, but at the same time I'm pretty sure I haven't been to my last festival already.
- Holidays
Pictures from my holidays over the past few years, both in the UK and further afield. The act of putting my holiday snaps on the web means should anyone be interested they can view them at their own leisure, and they're not forced to at gun point when they come round for tea. I personally think there's some great pictures here, but then I would say that of course. If nothing else this can assist the more snobby among you to decide whether or not you have better holidays than I do.
- Islands
Trips to islands around the UK. My Dad and I share a strange obsession with islands which neither of us can quite pin down. So over the last few years we've made many visits to two islands in particular. First is Bardsey Island (or Ynys Enlli in Welsh) off the cost of North Wales, and secondly The Isle of Eigg, an island in the Inner Hebrides, off the coast of Scotland.
- Japan
Pictures taken on one of my trips to (or while I was living in) Japan.
- Japanese
Japanese type things, but not actually in Japan.
- Kev
Kev is an invaluable drinking partner and all round great mate, and as such makes regular appearances in John's Pictures, quite possibly more than anyone else in recent months (with the obvious exception of Chie), so it seems high time he had his very own category.
- London
Involves the capital of the UK somehow or other. I lived in London for about a year and a half, from April 2000 to September 2001, and enjoyed my time there thoroughly. As a result, I still try to go back now and again for the odd visit.
- Mark
Mr. Gasson appears (often unwillingly) in so many sets of pictures that it seemed necessary to make him a category all of his own. This high occurence is partly down to the infamous Stanhope Road parties, and partly due to him having been a consistent drinking companion at some of John's Pictures' peak growth periods.
- Oxford
Oxford benefits from an array of really great pubs, and as such has become one of my favourite destinations for nights out.
- Pangbourne
Documenting my long running love affair with this little village by the Thames.
- Parties
House parties, some fancy dress, some very civilised (ish) and some plain debauched. Parties have provided some of the best photo opportunities I've had over the last few years - a large number of people packed into a very small space, and all very drunk. I really can't imagine a better use of the metaphor "It's like shooting fish in a barrel".
- PubCrawls
One of the greatest things about living in Britain has to be the noble artform known as the pub crawl. I'm a big fan myself, although invariably the following morning is not so enjoyable.
- RAFClub
Trips to the rather lovely RAF Officers' Club on Piccadilly, in London. Thanks to Rob being an officer in the RAF, and therefore a member, I'm very fortunate to have been able to visit on several occassions, and a good time is generally had by all. These pictures actually record every time I've been so far, with the exception of one visit, which I assume must have occurred whilst inbetween cameras.
- Reading
I first moved to Reading in October 1995, and have found it surprisingly difficult to get completely away from the place ever since. However much I complain about it now, I have had some great times there over the years, and correspondingly a lot of pictures have been taken there.
- ReadingUniversity
Any sets of pictures either in or somehow connected to Reading University. Mostly in the Student's Union, in fact. Although I no longer regularly attend the university, I still have a real soft spot for the place, and always get a warm feeling inside whenever I'm back on campus for any reason.
- Rob
Rob has been like my right hand man over the years that John's Pictures has been evolving. A proportion of the pictures were actually taken by him, he's provided "artistic direction" at times, has added comments to several sets, not to mention the fact he has also appeared in so many of them. It seemed only just therefore to give him his own category. Also this serves as a record of the kind of reprobate behaviour the pair of us have got up to over the past few years.
- Scenery
Including interesting (maybe even good) pictures of scenery. Mainly by pure chance, I've managed to take some scenic photographs over the years that I'm actually very proud of. These are probably the only sets of pictures with any serious photographic merit - i.e. not just a string of drunken pictures of people messing about.
- Scotland
Detailing my love affair with the Northern extremes of the British Isles.
- Simon
Simon is one of those great friends who I can not see for ages then immediately pick up with again where we left off when we do finally meet. Thus the sets of pictures with Simon in form a sort of continuous narrative despite being disjoint in time.
- Softel
Assorted outings with the staff of Softel - the company I work for. These are either events organised by the company, or nights out which just happened to involve people from work.
- Stag
Not sure what the plural of stag do is (might be easier to just say stag nights), but whatever it is I've now been on several of these.
- Tom
Especially in the last year or so (thanks to us living fairly close to each other), I have enjoyed a number of shennanegans with good old Tom.
Pictures taken on trips to the USA, generally for business.
- Wales
A large part of my family live in Wales - originally all in the South East, but my Dad moved a few years back to the North West. So naturally I've made many visits over the years, and I hope I can demonstrate what a scenic and lovely part of the world this is through these pictures.
- Whisky
Pictures relating to whisky - distillery visits, exhibitions, tasting session and so on.