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Alice Albrough Humphrey Female

Born: 1856

Comments: Aged 25 at the time of the 1881 census, where an Alice Humphrey born in Islington appears as a housemaid in the household of one Charles Bond, The Downs, Wimbledon.

Aged 34 at the time of the 1891 census. Her place of birth is given as Islington.

Aged 45 at the time of the 1901 census, where her details are consistent with earlier cenus entries.

Alice's Family

Spouse: Sydney Albert Leach (Married)
Children: Sydney Arthur Leach
There is an entry in the GRO indices for the marriage of a Sidney Albert Leech in Apr/May/Jun 1882 in Chelmsford (volume 4a, page 335). Also on this page appears an Alice Albrough Humphrey.

At the time of the 1891 census, the family are living next door to Sydney's brother Edwin at 103 Warner Road, Camberwell, Surrey.

By the time of the 1901 census the family had moved to 5, Jeypore Road, Wandsworth.

Alice's Heritage
