A Day at Lucca Comics

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Me, Francesco, Federico and Elisa went to see the usual annual Lucca Comics festival. TOP STUFF!

Lucca Comics has a lot of "CosPlayers" (Coustume Players) where basically people dress up as their favourite comics/TV/books heroes. Here we have an elf with a bow.

Lucca city from ourside the walls.


Some cosplayers.

These guys are well cool, the costume it's really good. I think that they play with paint ball guns.

Federico (left) and Francesco (right).

Goku from the Dragonball series!

There was a great ALAN LEE exibithion, a lot of paintings that I have only saw over the net were there!! He's probably one of the most famous Lord of the Rings painter.

More drawings.

And again. This on is particularly famous.

Yet again drawings. The fact that I can avoid using the flash (using a very high ISO setting) let me take the pictures, flash was a no-no of course...

A random shot near the card games section.

More cosplayers.

An Armoury!! I'd pay anything to go back and live in those times!

We found this stand that was selling puppets in the shape of very BAD VIRUSES!

Federico is holding an EBOLA puppet here!!

Another cosplayer, dunno who he is but the sake flask is great!

Do you see that thing in the background?

YES a guy dressed as a PIECE OF SHIT!!!!

Look at his face (how happy!). He should have won the costume play contest (there is always one every day of the show). Effectively he's dressed up as an "RPG MASTER" i.e. a bastard. In Italy you can call a person "merda" (lit. shit) and mean the same thing more or less..

Do I know this guy?

Apparently the kid on the left is the world champion of the Yugiho card game...

Live Role Plaing Game show... I miss it sooooo much!! I even went once with John near Castle Donington to play!


"The pit". Here you can fight with the winner of the previous match.

The fight...


The party rests on the benches...


They are from a famous TV cartoon in Italy called the "Zodiac Knights".

Another famous cartoon, but I forgot the name now...

Captaina Harlock buying comics.

DROW ELVES!!! These guys are really well dressed!!

A knight buying some comics...

Comics. This is what the festival is meant to be held for.

Shooting Star (in Italy "Goldrake")..

Yes HE, is an HE

This guy is meant to be a famous magician, but in reality he's crap!


What more can I say? Tie fighter pilots!!

Aren't they marvellous? They march around the city with Lord Vader in front of the pack!

"Your powers are weak old man"

This girl is one of the dancers at Jabba the Hut place. It was FREEZING COLD , but she was naked (almost)!!

This manga character is called SPANK!

I think that there is no need to descibe these guys... :)

South Park here!

This is a shot at a marvellous piece of the CosPlay show. Too hard to describe, but these guys won a prize.