12:35:29 Chiara at Harrods | 12:56:52 Me and Chiara on a doubledecker | 13:09:03 Chiara and a classic Piccadilly Circus shot. |

13:15:43 Leicester Square | 13:59:34 Chiara proudly displaying her Shepherd's Pie | 14:17:45 The Sussex (off Leicester Square) the pub where we ate. |

15:04:39 Yes, this guy can do the limbo!! | 15:09:37 And this one can certainly do acrobatics! | 15:16:37 One of the funniest and greatest street shows I have ever seen. SAM WILLS from Newzeland. |

15:28:54 Look what he's doing! | 16:05:52 The British Museum | 16:34:52 Trafalgar Square |

16:34:59 National Gallery | 16:36:56 And more Trafalgar Square | 18:11:25 Here we have one of the towers at the Parliament. |

18:11:36 Some details... | 18:13:01 Loved this door. | 18:17:03 And of course we had to go for a mandatory shot at the Big Ben |

18:17:21 Spooky! | 18:18:54 I liked these flowers and the old looking door. | 18:20:43 Westminster Abbey from the side entrance |

18:24:47 Westminster Abbey from the front entrance, we could not enter because of a mass being held. | 18:49:54 I wanted to post another shot, but it had the name of the company where John works so it's not possible for me to post it... Here is at his canteen. | 19:55:26 At the lebanese restaurant drinking this aniseed liqueur that I forgot the name of... |

19:56:11 Chie and Chiara | 21:03:18 Me and John (the cucumber is looking dodgy I know, it was on purpose) | 21:04:10 SHOCK at the realization of the use of the cucumber!! |

21:50:45 Me and Chiara completely DEAD tired. | 09:15:16 How sweeeeetttt... | 11:07:59 This is the garden at John's place. |

11:52:09 John and Chiara buying pasties at Paddington station. (eventually John dropped MINE when we were on the train... tragedy)... | 13:00:30 John and Rob at Rob's place! | 13:01:29 TIMMMMMMM!!!!! It has been 9 years that I did not see him!! |

13:05:24 JOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNN, also Jon and I did not meet in 9 years more or less... | 13:05:34 CHRISSSSSS, he was the one that we got on board of this meeting last, as we did not know how to get in touch with him. Eventually he got in touch with us through Facebook and he joined the reunion!! I was so happy to see him! | 13:08:37 Kate and Chiara and the guys behind! |

13:23:30 On the bus going to Uni... | 13:32:13 Pepper Lane, where Computer Sciences building is... | 13:32:28 Rob preparing the shot in front of the Uni. |

13:35:40 Errr.... John looking GAY!! (note the great sing on the post) | 13:39:02 Yupppieeeeee (John looks like he has a stick in is ass, but we can survive with that!) | 13:39:45 Oh oh, spot the Computer Scientists !! |

13:45:52 The Faculty of Letters and Social Sciences, where I did most of my courses and where all of us met at the GARP sessions (Role Playing Games Society) | 13:48:10 Student's Union! It's all flashy and new now, and closed... | 13:54:53 This is so SHITE!! If it was there when I was at Uni I probably would have bombed it! |

13:55:50 Me looking interested in stealing a bike (as mine was stolen during the second year at Reading)... | 14:01:31 Child's Hall, where I stayed during my fourth year. | 14:02:41 Me and the entrance. |

14:06:54 I always walked by this nice house. I dunno who lives there, but it's inside campus... | 14:18:14 Mr. Cod is still there!! | 14:18:29 Cemetery Junction and Tim. |

14:24:44 YES IT'S HER!!!! 2, Radstock Road!!! | 14:27:03 Nuff said.... :D | 14:28:04 Recreating historical shots, this is the famous "2" on the wheely bin... |

14:28:21 Tim moving an imaginary table (the real picture had a real table of course!) | 14:29:17 Tim and the vending machine (it's still there!!!) we lacked Claire (my girlfriend at the time) to re-enact the original shot... | 14:29:28 Tim lost 20p in the machine... |

14:29:39 Hargun Superstore (with changed signs)... | 14:40:07 Ducks in the canal. | 14:40:15 Us at the canal. |

14:55:51 Nice boat! | 14:56:12 I always liked that house! | 15:05:12 First stop in a pub, all together after 10 years!!! |

15:05:34 Me and mandatory pint of Guinness. | 15:05:49 Chris and more beer! | 16:49:30 My bank during Reading years. |

16:50:44 More pub action at the George's. | 16:57:17 All together!! | 18:22:41 It started raining so we moved inside the pub. |

18:28:14 Lovely Purple Turtle!!! | 19:23:20 Tom Rowan finally joined us!! :D | 19:24:22 Chris, Jon and Tom!! |

20:25:25 Yeah allright, Rob is turning Homo here!! | 20:56:07 SHOCKER!!! The two founders of the RPG society happened to be at the Hobgoblin! | 20:57:58 All together, the very people that made us meet 10 years ago where there!! Amazing... |

21:23:34 City hall. | 21:39:11 At Pizza Express, half drunk and half tired... | 21:39:21 Chirs on sofa. |

21:44:33 More Pizza Express... | 23:45:16 We moved to the last pub, where we met two of Rob's friends. | 01:53:58 Back home Rob's got some explaining to do to the missus.... :D |

02:02:30 Emma!! Marvelous dog. Extremely well educated. | 02:02:53 All of us chatting late at night... Oh memories.... | 02:11:18 Tim playing with Emma. |

02:52:07 FREAK SHOW!!!! | 10:58:18 In the morning some Bacon Butties! | 10:58:28 More breakfast preparation. |

10:59:00 Marmite! | 13:16:39 John and Tim chatting outside... | 13:16:46 Chris with naked feet outside... |

13:17:06 Rob's House. | 13:34:57 Finally Simon joined us! | 15:18:22 At Nando's trying to have some food for lunch before leaving. |

15:18:56 John, Simon and Chiara. | 15:19:10 Just Chiara! | 15:41:49 Rob at his best after having had too much spicy sauce! :D |