15:04:34 A nice ceiling at the Four Seasons Hotel in Bangkok | 15:06:00 More hotel bits and pieces. | 15:11:39 Close by there was a shrine crowded with people. |

15:15:24 I think it must be some Buddhist god/ess | 15:16:40 A coconut milk vendor | 15:18:35 There were a lot of stalls selling flower crowns, quite beautiful. |

15:22:57 The shrine from the above. | 15:26:05 More coconut milk and juices stalls. | 15:29:09 A tuk.tuk! |

15:34:08 Selling food on the street it's quite normal in Thailand. | 15:34:46 And again. | 15:34:58 All these pictures have been taken from a "Sky Passage", the pavements are really crowded and dirty, but quite picturesque. |

15:36:21 Typical traffic shot. bangkok has a very HIGH density of cars. | 15:41:59 How lovely! :D Loved the colours in this shot. | 15:44:01 Siam Paragon shopping center, this picture looks like Tokyo. |

16:44:58 A crowded alley. | 17:30:01 ARRGGGGG!! The typical way of saluting in Thailand has been copied by Ronald! | 17:33:31 That shrine from before again... |

17:34:15 With less people around it felt more polite to take pictures now.. | 12:41:21 A funny tree. | 15:20:31 Restaurants in the night. |

15:21:02 Our client took me here to have dinner, a typical Thai place, quite nice I have to say! | 05:55:09 More pictures at the hotel. | 06:29:37 At the "Weekend Market" a typical thai place. |

06:33:25 The market is HUGE (30 acres) and you can find almost anything in it... | 06:33:39 It's all covered, crammed and small. | 06:35:50 How good is this picture!! :D |

06:41:27 Wood items. I have tried to look for this shop before leaving and I could not find it at all! The place is a real maze! | 07:03:46 Hungry? | 07:09:29 More food stalls. |

07:09:41 Pottery, food, fashion... You can find pretty much anything here! | 07:09:59 Typical dried fish, the stench in this area was bordering unbearable. | 07:11:32 Errrrr.... A typical refrigerator? Health regulations anyone?! |

07:11:37 Well I guess she was boiling the meat before serving it... | 07:26:27 You can buy also animals, if PETA saw this they would probably bomb the market... | 07:26:43 Nuff said... |

07:27:42 Inside these plastic bags there are small FISH!! | 07:28:08 Here just plants.. | 07:30:12 Can you see the squirrel on the man's arm? |

07:31:55 They are probably trying to cook the chicken in the sunlight... Poor animal.. | 07:57:06 Lots of birds! | 09:26:39 Guy trying to be a real cowboy! |

09:47:05 Look how nice!! The fruit is made of wood! | 15:25:45 Royal palace at night over the river. | 15:27:14 And again. |

04:48:56 The morning after I was going to see that palace... | 04:49:13 Unfortunately the sister of the king died recently and there are a lot of people going to pay their respects from all over Thailand. | 04:50:33 Thai guard. |

04:57:03 Inside the palace the visit starts with the "shrines and temples" bit. | 04:57:54 Wooooo impressive! Everything here is made with little pottery pieces, it's really a form of art that I had never seen before... | 04:58:27 More votive bits and pieces, the buildings are really tall and colorful, quite marvelous. |

04:58:55 A close shot. | 04:59:14 More guardians... | 05:00:01 This is meant to be a reliquary. |

05:00:19 The main temple from the side. | 05:00:45 Every structure has a different shape. You do not get bored FOR SURE! | 05:00:59 More reliquary action. |

05:01:39 I liked the green and the shapes of the trees. | 05:02:11 Golden chiseled gate. | 05:02:21 Closeup, note that the electric blue colours in the background stand out a lot... And that day was cloudy! |

05:02:39 More details. | 05:03:27 Not sure what this building is... | 05:04:03 Lovely.... |

05:04:15 I was trying to get a prospective here but didn't work it out a lot... | 05:04:26 How great are these colours!? I love the tiling that Thai people used for these palaces. | 05:05:14 Buddha in the foreground with some extremely complicated building at the back... |

05:05:36 AAAARRGGGG... And what are you!? | 05:06:23 I see... they are guarding this place! | 05:06:42 The sun started to come out, the golden bits start to shine massively! |

05:07:00 More Buddha and gold. | 05:07:53 Main temple again. | 05:09:40 These are the outer walls, I love the colour combinations a lot here. |

05:10:23 This must be the best shot of the tour. | 05:11:27 Another temple. | 05:11:49 More rooftop action. |

05:11:59 That is the complicated temple that we had before...There must be a BILLION pottery roses attached to it... | 05:12:21 And again. | 05:13:12 The place is guarded by these evil things. |

05:13:28 More closeups of the pottery, it's truly fascinating. | 05:14:08 Lots of golden touches. | 05:14:21 Sun is out, that electric blue is coming out at last! |

05:18:37 Closeup of that incredibly complicated building. | 05:20:01 Nice little thing... | 05:20:08 This one is not so happy about having to hold a 30 meters structure... |

05:20:20 So many details everywhere... | 05:20:58 Another monster, coming straight from the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons manuals! | 05:24:37 People were leaving these flowers as an offer, I guess for the death of the princess... |

05:25:47 MMMMM Lovely! | 05:25:54 Time to steal some shots at people doing their own things... | 05:29:23 I was interviewed by these kids. Actually it was a good way to get a picture of me too! |

05:30:15 Probably the most uninspired construction here... | 05:30:47 This is the runner up in terms of greatest picture of this tour! | 05:33:23 Those guys from before. |

05:35:27 A little bucolic scene... | 05:37:55 More stolen moments. | 05:42:28 We had to wait outside because apparently the king was going somewhere and of course we could not come close. |

05:43:41 This is the royal palace. | 06:05:07 See the guards overthere? | 06:06:23 More palace and guards. |

06:06:49 This is the building net to the palace. | 06:07:32 And this is where the sister of the king has been buried. | 06:22:32 Going to Wat-Pho, I stopped to buy some juice. Incidentally I got the red one, made of horseradish... |

06:29:18 The way to the Wat-Pho was full of people selling stuff, or sleeping... | 06:31:14 Street market. | 06:34:20 The Wat-Pho, temple of the Reclining Buddha. |

06:34:30 More street vendors (they started staring badly at me so I stopped taking pictures)... | 06:36:50 Nice entrance. | 06:40:19 This temple is much more "green" there are a lot of trees. |

06:40:44 How cool is that!? :D | 06:41:10 A small shrine. | 06:41:25 All over the place there are these small constructions, similar to small pyramids made of pottery. |

06:42:25 And here are the big brothers (at least 30/40 meters tall), impressive. | 06:44:00 Buddha at one of the smaller shrines. | 06:44:26 More general action at the temple. |

06:45:03 Entering the tall constructions bit. | 06:45:17 Wooooooooooo | 06:45:56 Really beautiful. |

06:46:10 Closeup of the workmanship. | 06:46:20 Nice one! | 06:47:41 Everything is made of these pottery bits. |

06:48:10 Note the ratio human/building.... | 06:48:31 Finally sun was out! | 06:50:10 Rooftops are still my favorites! |

06:51:29 Not sure what they said on that notice... | 06:52:28 Ceiling.... | 06:53:31 Another smaller Buddha. |

06:57:15 More rooftops and lovely constructions. | 06:57:23 The tiling glitters when the sun is out, lovely effect, it really looks as if it was made of gold! | 07:03:27 This was meant to be a very important shrine, you can tell by the altar and Buddha. |

07:04:01 Closeup of the statue. | 07:07:38 Not sure what this is... | 07:07:41 And another random shot.. |

07:14:14 Finally the Reclining Buddha. | 07:14:26 Impressive statue. | 07:15:09 Really cool idea, having the statue "lie" for 30 meters. |

07:16:23 Look at this! | 07:16:50 On the soles of the Buddha there is a mother of pearl mosaic. | 07:17:01 I guess it tells some story of the world or something similar... |

07:17:37 People were putting small change in these cups, making a very eerie sound that spread all through the temple... Quite nice! |