Lorenzo Pirisino

Marta's Birthday

Posted on 2006/02/06 09:15:26 (February 2006).

[4-5th February 2006]

On Saturday I packed up everything and moved back to Vedano, time had come to get closer to my life and to Marta as she had planned a party on Saturday night to celebrate the event (though she was born on the 5th).

I arrived late in the afternoon, unpacked everything and our guests came right on time.
The dinner was great, as it was great to see all the friends that I have here, Marta made some excellent home made lasagne, a great apple roast and all in all the evening flew by and it was time to go to bed.

On Sunday I proposed to go to Andeer, that town in Switzerland where we went more or less one year ago. Andeer is a small town on the Alps, with a great spa center.
As my knee is playing tricks on me (is getting worse apparently, but I won't talk about it today), I thought that it might have been good to couple a nice day out in a relaxing place and some water therapy for my articulation.

The day was really great, we had a very nice time in Andeer and then we moved to a nice restaurant near our house. Once again we were lucky as we showed up without reservation, but we managed to get a seat with the promise to finish off in a couple of hours as the table was reserved.
We were seated in a private room, served with exceptional speed and of course the restaurant did the rest as the quality is really really high.
A great dinner.

To finish off a good day there was Fiorentina's result who won its match today. Of course I didn't follow the match as today was really Marta's day so I didn't want to take time away from her.

All in all a great day and a very good reunion with Vedano and the North of Italy. Of course this doesn't take away the fact that I want to go back to Florence, but at least I have got a good start, which is welcome of course.

Let's see what the future holds for me, in the meantime I savour these two days as I prepare my return to working life...

Comment 1

Buon compleanno, Marta.

Posted by Tenente Sheri at 2006/02/06 14:05:22.

Comment 2

Sounds like you're making the best of it, Lox. I can tell you have the drive to do anything you want, given the opportunity. Always look to the brighter side! :)

Oh, and Happy Birthday Marta!! :))

Posted by Nigel at 2006/02/06 14:22:30.

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