PromisesPosted on 2005/11/19 04:45:10 (November 2005).

[Friday 18th November]
Today no surprises, I was expecting another long day at work and it was like that as a matter of fact.
Spent all morning in the car with Mr.Pyon, the youngest in the agency, and the best english speaker, so it was quite nice.
He's my age so we have a lot of things in common, plus I like inquiring about how is life for young koreans as I never really had a chance to experience it.
We also went to a typical restaurant that apparently is the one that Mr.Pyon and his mates usually go to.
Mr.Hwang, the main boss, is a very nice guy, but he's also extremely proud of him being Korean and all Korean things.
As a result I am never allowed to go to "normal" restaurants, as he always wants to give me the best time possible.
Although it's a great thing to receive, all this niceness, I am also interested in those scrubby little places that a lot of people seem to go to, as I think that it's more in touch with the living standard there.
So I was happy to try something different.
In the evening dinner was rather quick, albeit great, but I had nothing to complaint as it meant going back to the Hotel and start packing again.
As today it was me and Mr.Hwang plus a client, the evening was a bit dull as they spoke Korean all the time. Putting up the nice "I understand, oh it's so interesting, great food by the way, want some more to drink?"-face, it's now my specialty but that doesn't meant that I like it.
Fortunately, this evening again, some part of the conversation was in English.
I think it's because I told my agents that the situation in the company is unbearable for me and that I'll be leaving soon.
The agents are not happy about it so I have been discussing this matter all over Asia for 3 weeks, as they are trying to advice me to "take time", which I'll have to do anyways as I am going to have surgery. This is of course a good thing for me as it means that they appreciate the way I work and the person that I am.
Speaking of surgery, I have had a good new, the doctor that is going to operate me, said that since he promised me to get the surgery before the end of the year, he moved my case for the 30th of November! Of course this means that Xmas will be a bit miserable, with crutches and all, but I save a month and half compared to the plan that I was given yesterday.
I am a bit scared about it now, it's my first (and hopefully last) operation, and I have so little time to arrange things...
Oh well, we'll see...
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