Strange phenomenon - Saturday 12th November 2005Posted on 2005/11/12 11:06:14 (November 2005).

It is rather strange. Yesterday I felt as if I was flying that day to Taipei from Europe, and in the night I barely could sleep, as if I had jet lag or something.
Mostly had to do with the fact that I had hardly eaten anything the whole day, I woke up at 4 with terrible stomach cramps and had to eat some Kaki-no-tame (peanuts and other spicy things that I bought in Japan) in order to keep it quite for a couple of hours.
I then rushed to breakfast to have a proper meal, then went back to bed until 11ish.
The problem is that I woke up and I felt all day as if a truck run over me! Typical of jet lag, which I should not have as I am in Asia from more than two weeks now. Maybe it was the strange day that fucked it all up... Oh well...
I went to a marvelous electronic market, which I am going to beat tomorrow as well with Marrouce, a friend who works for a major client here in Taipei.
The market is full of marvelous things, I wish I had a lot more money than I actually have to buy more than I did. I got myself a new mouse and a bluetooth headset kit. Funky!
On the way back to the hotel I stopped at Royal Host, a typical Japanese chain restaurant where I had a rather average meal.
What wasn't average was the waiting time, that on the other side was good to observe the man depicted above.
He ordered his milk tea and ice cream, then went away.
Suddenly I became fascinated, starting to guess what was he doing, what was he thinking, I mean he's on his own on a Saturday afternoon, eating a lonely ice cream in a cafe.
The first impression that I had was some sort of pimp or something. Then I realized that he probably has a family, maybe he came to the center of Taipei to get a present for his son, or wife. In the end I convinced myself that he's a good man, works his arse off every day, like many Chinese do, probably he'll never have a mean in Spizzico (Italian chain restaurant) observing the people in Pizzaland...
My steak (with shrimps!) arrived and I was distracted, so I didn't see him leaving, but it felt like living his life for a moment.
Stories, lives, all are incredibly interesting to me, even if they seem repetitive and dull.
Comment 1
Sometimes I see people eating by themselves in restaurants and I am momentarily filled with despair. I don't know why, it is not such an unusual thing (I have done it myself), but there is something there isn't there? Even for the most self confident of people it must be a bit of a lonely time knowing that other people are looking at you and thinking "look he's eating by himself".
I remember in a department store in London once there was a little restaurant place doing vaguely Asian/Japanese food. I saw a young Japanese-ish man there bent over a bowl of udon or something. I couldn't even see his face properly, but somehow I got this feeling from him of somebody who felt horribly displaced and homesick. I wanted to go and give him a hug! I guess this would probably have made matters worse though...
I guess this is what that Beatles song was all about...
Posted by John at 2005/11/13 05:32:49.
Comment 2
Precisely my point. As usual we are on the same wavelenght! Imagine the classic family restaurant, kids screaming, people talking, couples flirting over a bowl of rice... The usual thing.
Then look at this picture, a man having a royal milk tea and an ice cream, looking from the window over a small park and a huge street. People passing by. It stands out a lot, that's why it catched my attention. And yes I felt sorry for him, probably because I feel sorry for myself being in the same situation.
The man of the crowd - E.A.Poe
I would advise this reading, becuse in a way I took inspiration from this novel...
Posted by Lox at 2005/11/13 07:44:08.
Comment 3
I don't know if it is right to feel sorry for the guy. You're too sensitive. My guess is that he probably doesn't give a crap about you, so why should you pity him... ? Being altruistic doesn't pay back nowadays...
Posted by Sheri at 2005/11/13 18:08:14.
Comment 4
Sheri: It is true, but sometimes the altruistic feeling in not that nice at all. It implies that your life is better and that you are better... Not that I would do anything to help this man, but the feeling of the moment (maybe helped by the lack of food), was like that...
Posted by Lox at 2005/11/15 01:26:16.
Comment 5
I normally do not like eating out by myself because I do not want to look happy couples etc to make me realize I am lonely. But sometimes go to cafe by myself and watching people and commenting on them within myself. Royal Milk Tea man was maybe waiting wife and children to finish their shopping? My dad went off to kill time by himself when we went shopping.
Posted by chie at 2005/11/16 24:15:08.
Comment 6
Chie: Didn't thought of that! But that doesn't explain the ice cream... Oh well still it gave me a bit of a lonely feeling watching him...
Posted by Lox at 2005/11/16 24:31:45.