O Tabe Sushi - Wednesday 9th November 2005Posted on 2005/11/09 13:59:49 (November 2005).

Today started is a great manner, the memory of yesterday's dinner at our most favourite place " O TABE SUSHI" in Tsukiji (the fish market in Tokyo). The restaurant is rather small, increasing the Japanese feel to it, and the sushi is A.B.S.O.L.U.T.E.L.Y. the best that I have ever had in my life.
There are always a lot of different fish, every time that we go there is something new.
A mention needs to be made for "TAISHO", that means general (as in the military rank), but is a special
word used ONLY in sushi restaurants to call the head chef (in the picture is the chubby guy with the red band). He's really great, know a lot about fish and mussels, a pleasure to talk with him.
The day continued in a quite good manner, we had the usual appointments, most of which were quite good, and finally I bid farewell to Kutsunugi san who has to go back to Osaka. It has been a great trip as usual, shame I cannot say the same thing about the business but there will be better times.
I have also spent quite some time observing people from the hotel window. They are very small from the 27th floor where I am writing from, and they seem like ants from this height. I was speaking with Kutsunugi san about the possibility (which apparently is not remote at all) of a great earthquake in the Tokyo area in the future. It struck me the fact that he's arranged with his family a series of meeting points and things to do in case of this occurrence. This is probably very Japanese and very common in areas where earthquakes are considered "normal", but as for us Italians a thing like that sounds so strange to arrange...
I guess that next time I will need some pointers from Kutsunugi san, you never know, the ants might have to dig their way out to the surface again...
Comment 1
Ciao Lorenzo!!! it's first time I make a reply on your page ( amazing!!). as you know I miss Japan very much and when I see you picture of O Tabe Sushi place I would really like to be there..... sig......
Posted by Marta at 2005/11/10 24:16:41.
Comment 2
Finally!!! :) I was loosing hopes there! You shall be back here soon do not worry! :) You'll meet these guys sooner or later!
Posted by Lox at 2005/11/10 24:26:15.
Comment 3
It would be nice to organize a trip to Japan together one time..... Not a business trip , just a vacation...it would be lovely...
Posted by Marta at 2005/11/12 17:46:29.
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