Lorenzo Pirisino

Wednesday 12th October 2005 - Red Leaves

Posted on 2005/10/12 11:36:53 (October 2005).

I have been looking at a tree outside the company today, it has been a slow day so far, and I have been wondering a little of places where I used to be.

I remember the very first time I went there by myself, it was to see Claire in Oxford. I must admit that the place is great for students, and the town is very typical as well, I completely fell in love both with England and with one of its inhabitant.
I remember walking by myself near the river, it was great, a lot of trees with red and yellow leaves, surrounding the small canal. Behind the trees lots of green plains, and even if the weather was not great, in a setting such as that it was impossible not to feel in peace with the world.
The canal bends into several serpentines, I was sitting with my back on a tree looking at an old man pushing forward his little boat with a long stick, very much like the "Gondolieri" do in Venice.

Hong Kong
It was a terribly humid day in October. Still hot and humid even during the Autumn season. I am sitting in a jacuzzi on the rooftop of the hotel, relaxing after the 4 hours flight that got me here. The sky is menacing rain any time soon, but the veranda is beautiful, makes a concrete city like Hong Kong look nice.
There are many flowers, but the eye catching point is the bonsai trees nicely arranged on a side of the court.
Some of them have yellow leaves, most of the others are green.
Looking at the beautiful shapes that man decided to give them, I am drawn to think that it really takes an artist to trim them, as the fight between what is natural and what is man-made has to remain in perfect balance.

Red and Yellow leaves were like kings and queens in Wakabadai, the place where I lived.
My family there has a great house, surrounded by Asian trees, cut in very fancy shapes; the point of green that you get in Asia is VERY different from what you see in Europe, it's more vivid, brilliant.
Mixed with the other colours of the leaves, the scenery it's impressive.
I remember standing near the big lake that we had next to our house, me and my family were going there to have a sort of picnic. While they were walking down the hill, on a little path surrounded by some overgrown vegetation, I was standing still, admiring the lake surrounded by a sea of green, a melody of red and purple broken by blades of yellow every here and there. In the middle of all of this the blue lake, still, as if he wasn't bothered at all by his neighbours.
The lake, surrounded by a small forest, was a grand image.

Like in a movie, I am focusing on the small tree here in Italy, daydreaming. Slowly the image begins to shrink, getting further and further... I hear something... "Lorenzo bring me those analyses on the turnover!"... Boss' calling...

I wake up, I'd better go, the moment is lost but it was nice till it lasted...

Comment 1

Fuck, I'm jalous. You ARE a writer !

Posted by Sheri at 2005/10/12 15:35:39.

Comment 2

And a person, a human being of the right kind, i.e. open to nature's beauties and conscious.

Posted by Sheri at 2005/10/12 15:45:18.

Comment 3

I am not always like that though! Let's say that I have been blessed in life by completely calm moments where i had the luck of appreciating the nature around me... :P I wish I had pictures to show, words are not enough sometimes!

Posted by Lox at 2005/10/12 20:29:02.

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