Lorenzo Pirisino

Friday 17th June 2005 – Revenge of the Sith

Posted on 2005/06/20 10:29:27 (June 2005).

Today I went to see the Revenge of the Sith for the second time. I have to say that apart from the nice feeling of getting away from my house, there is no other “good mood” worth of writing of.
I was hoping that the second view of the movie would have unlocked something that I missed during the first, but instead it turned out that I noticed more nasty sides of Episode III than hidden “Easter eggs”. I still think that the movie is flawed by the fact that you know what is going to happen, and surely the tech advance done in the 1976 with “New Hope” have not been reproduced in these movies. Special effects are grand, but now I see that I give them for granted. The public needs more; it’s a tough challenge for movie makers. All dialogues involving Anakin and Padme are also pretty bad.

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