

Just to make absolutely sure everyone understands exactly where we are, here's an initial picture of Miyajima's famous "umi no tori" - which roughly translates as sea gate.
As you can see the skies were unfortunately a bit grey and murky but at least the rain held off!
So here's a picture of me and Chie just after changing into our traditional Japanese wedding costumes, standing on the decks (if that's the right word?) of Itsukushima shrine.



Chie and her little sister Yuka, also in traditional Japanese costume.
Chie with her parents.
This is Chie Yaniyagiya-san, our wedding organiser, who was jolly nice indeed.



Also a picture of us both with Nagao-kun, our photographer for the day, also a jolly nice chap.
The sign outside the waiting room for the main wedding group - I was rather pleased to see my name here!
There follow a few pictures taken during the Shinto ceremony itself - I gave my camera to David who had a bit of a hard time getting a good place to see from! So anyway, here's me entering the ceremony room.



Me walking up to the sort of altar thing...
...and Chie following behind (apparently this is the tradition in Japan - who am I to argue with that?).
This gives a bit of an idea of the layout of the room where the ceremony was held - the family sit on two rows of seats, and Chie and I were at the front (just off the left hand side of the photo here) with the priests etc.



At various points during the ceremony there were short bursts of traditional Japanese music, and here are the musicians.
A bit blurred and difficult to see unfortunately (lighting was difficult in this room) but this is the bit where Chie and I have to do a sort of sake drinking ritual. Clearly a bit of a highlight for me!
A bit of detail of the interior design.



Here we're standing at the front reading out the Shinto equivalent of wedding vows.
Towards the end of the ceremony the whole family are also served with sake.
I think this is the final bow at the end of the ceremony (or maybe the final Kanpai!?).



Here we are now emmerging from the ceremony and greeting our guests.
Albeit a bit blurred, oddly I quite like this picture of my friend Tanaka-san looking with what seems to be slight bewilderment at my costume...
This is a nice side-on shot of Chie as she processes out from the ceremony.



My friend David from work and his wife Megumi-san.
David and Tanaka-san.
Here's all the guests now processing out into the open air for a round of photographs.



Obviously the official camera man was standing face on for all of these pictures, but these "unofficial" group shots all appear to have been taken at a bit of an angle. So anyway, here's me, Chie along with her parents, grandparents and little sister.
Same setup again.
Chie and I spent a lot of time having slight adjustments made to our posture and costumes by the cameraman and assorted assistants.



A gaggle of wedding guests with the main shrine building behind them.
I think David still had the camera here and had chosen to , err, experiment with composition a bit.
A bit hard to see the wood for the trees here! Obviously the official photographs will look a bit more like the sort of shots you'd usually expect at a wedding...!



Women in Japan put a lot of effort into doing their hair when going to weddings, and I feel this picture may have been paying hommage to that.
David and Megumi-san again - I guess Tanaka-san is in posession of the camera now.
I have to admit I enjoyed all the attention from our guests, being in Japan they of course all had their own cameras with them. Felt a bit like being a film star for a day.



Me, Chie and her uncle Masa-aki-san.
A big group shot with all Chie's friends in.
I think Haruka-kun was notably missing from the first picture, and so this was taken to compensate for that.



I really like this final picture of me in Japanese costume - with Tanaka-san, and the "umi no tori" behind us.
After a quick change of attire, it was off to the good ship Ginga (or Galaxy in English) for the reception - it seemed only appropriate to get in a picture of this fine vessel.
Me and Chie on the decks, in our second set of costumes (very typical for a Japanese wedding).



Another shot in the same place, a bit blurred but I think I actually prefer it over the first.
In the reception on the boat now - I was really busy with assorted greetings, speeches etc and so hardly got any time to take any pictures. Anyway, here's a picture of the divinely cute Kittichan - Dale and Erina's little girl.
There was a great turn out from Chie's friends - here we've got Hiromuchan, Kanako, Junchan and Hide-san.



...and that's it as far as pictures (on my camera at least) of the reception go. I told you I was busy! This is actually taken back in the dress hire place later on - I wanted to get one last shot in our costumes.
...oh and another one including Chie's Mum and her friend.
So after yet another change of clothes, here we are at the "nijikai" - the second party, which is just for the couple's friends. Here's Niga-san, Manachan and Aoki-san. Aoki-san has to be the Olympic champion for being fashionably late - he managed to miss not only the ceremony but the main reception as well, and so was basically just there for the final party...



Actually until some time after 8 there were only a few of us there at the nijikai - basically just two of Chie's friends and the people I'd invited. Everyone else seemed to take ages over getting changed etc...
...finally though by 8:30 it seems the majority of people had arrived...
From left to right, Hiromuchan, Junchan, Kanako, Masashi-san and Yumippe.



A few more of Chie's friends including Kayochan and Junchan.
Erm, seems to be the same group of people as the picture-before-last.
Me and Haruka-kun, who was brimming with enthusiasm and a thoroughly great wedding guest throughout the whole day. I think he said omedeto gozaimasu (congratulations) on average once every four minutes right from start to finish.



A sneaky peek over to smoker's corner.
Me and Chie's little sister Yuka-chan.
Another (somewhat jumbled) group shot similar to the one before, but this time with Chie in as well.



I still maintain that the ketchup bottle was an inspired addition to this photo.
Me and David, looking a bit odd.
Well I think we're coming towards the end now, and so just time for a few last group shots... here's me with Aoki-san and Tanaka-san, friends from work. The three of us had all worked closely together on the same project over the last year or so, and I think this may actually be the only "team shot" I've got.



Another shot of me with star wedding guest Haruka-kun - honestly, he could make a business out of it!
The classic Japanese "ryoutei ni hana" (a flower in each hand) shot.
It seemed necessary to expand this notion out somewhat...



A last shot with me and Aoki-san taken outside the pub, before we said our farewells for the evening.
Back at the hotel we did a round of the guests rooms delivering wedding presents (in Japan the couple also give presents to the guests), and as they were all sitting so nicely I felt a picture was in order.

A final shot of me and Chie (in our third outfits of the day).