The Union
Heres some pictures taken around Reading University
(mainly the union) on Friday 18th June 1999.
John at his desk just before we went to the union.
A quick spot of breakfast, provided by the Cedar Room.
Tim lies back and enjoys pint number 1...
John, taken as part of a 360 degree panaroma thing Tim was trying
to make.
Later on in the panorama we have... Tim's feet...
This was a truly momentous occasion- Tim and Lorenzo hadn't seen
eachother in 2 years! (Almost to the day)...
Lorenzo is clearly pretty overcome with it all.... err...
More happy reunions, as Tim meets Rob and Raj who he hasn't seen for
a year,and Mark who he's never seen before. Um.
That would be Rob and Cat then. (Insert your own innuendo here).
Rob and Cat again. Cat complained this picture made her look fat. It
was then pointed out this was her own fault for standing next to
Rob, who'd make Kate Moss look a bit on the chubby side.
Tim does something arty with the camera... well sort of.
John demonstrated there is nothing big or clever about wearing
sunglasses on top of your head.
Random people are photographed for no good reason...
...and again.
John looks either tired or thoughtful... who knows.
Gratuitous shot of jeans and beer.
Drinking occurs...
Well, just Tim basically.
Introducing... Mr Jon Ellis! Here demonstrating his special
move on an unsuspecting Tim.
Tim and Jon look quite unnaturally happy sitting at John's desk.