Drinking in St. David's Hall |
| Maison de Stuff | John's Page | John's Pictures |
A few pictures of some random drinking in the famous Social Room 9 of St. David's Hall. Taken Sunday 10th March 2002. Those were the days...
22:57:07 Two Junchans. One Konno and the other Matsuno. |
22:57:45 Matsuno Junchan and Hiromu. |
22:58:13 A drunkish looking (and thankfully slightly blurred) Chie and John. |
22:59:25 Still drunk, still blurred. |
23:03:51 A rare endorsement for Carling from the Japanese. |
23:06:44 I like Hiromu's habit of picking up the nearest thing to her and showing it to the camera when having her picture taken. |
23:07:47 Me in the middle this time. Hiromu doing her Norman Conquest pose. |
23:08:57 Bamboo filters also make very fetching hats it seems. |