Saturday 17th July 2004. An evening in Reading in an assortment of pubs etc for Rich's stag do.
As I didn't take a huge load of pictures myself, I have decided to merge in Simon's pictures to give a fuller
flavour of the evening's activities. The comments are colour-coded accordingly (see below).




18:01:47 |
Well I wasn't present for this first bit, lounging around in the Oracle with cocktails etc, so I'm not really in much of a position to comment...
18:02:00 |
Still, nice sunny pictures...
18:02:04 | almost looks like a nice day.
18:02:30 |
...and the Oracle almost looks like a nice place to spend an afternoon.




18:02:47 |
Nice detail of fire door in the background here.
18:36:40 |
Ah, clearly they've moved off the cocktails, onto more sensible Coronas here.




18:50:13 |
Simon, perhaps more close-up than you'd want to get.
18:51:01 |
Apparently this is an attempt at taking a picture that makes David and Richard look like a gay couple, or something.
18:51:20 |
Look, they're even holding hands!




19:32:07 |
Right then, looks like the entourage is now in Sweeney Todd's, and here's Rich being presented with some "presents" to enjoy during the course of the stag night.
19:32:13 |
Yes, it's a pink feather boa (not sure how to spell that).
19:32:28 |
Rich inspects his next "present".
19:33:18 |
Just what he always wanted - an inflatable sheep.




19:33:53 |
Oh, and there's a wig to go with it as well, super.
19:34:00 |
...and, errr, some stuff in his hair.
19:38:06 |
Mike was keen to have a crack at wearing the wig. Charming.
19:38:11 |
Errrrmmmm, clearly it's very "street".




19:39:06 |
As part of Rich's stag night package there were also some stick on warts, cuts and bruises.... they didn't last long though.
19:41:14 |
Mike, obviously inflating a sheep.
19:41:23 |
Starting to struggle a bit!
19:41:55 |
Rich in his full glory.




19:42:03 |
Aha, this is the first picture I took, and in fact the only one I took in Sweeney's. A bit non-descript really - people passing the sheep about.
19:42:09 |
Oooh sheepy (?!)
19:42:46 |
A bit of experimental composition, involving a sheep and a bewigged man.
19:43:42 |
Mike said "If you'd seen Jeepers Creepers, this would have been very scary". I'm still a bit confused.




19:44:01 |
A delightfully camp picture of me and Mike.
20:02:43 |
Rich's face quite expertly obscured by pint (number eight or so).
20:08:14 |
Rich starting to look a bit deshevelled already.




20:11:09 | he's perked up again. It was only a matter of time before the wig went on the sheep.
20:11:32 |
...and now it's Kev, and Mike!
20:11:50 |
Me and Barry, and don't we both look red! I'm going to blame Simon's camera for this one.




20:11:59 |
This is me "doing something interesting" for the camera. Mental note to self, don't bother.
20:12:11 |
The side of Matt's head, with a maniacally laughing Kev in the background.
20:12:20 |
Tim looks on as Rich attempts to balance the sheep on his shoulder.




20:19:11 |
This is me "doing something scary". I'm certainly slightly afraid of it.
20:19:28 |
Bizarrely quite arty picture.
20:20:37 |
Rich and best man (I think) Mark.
20:34:40 |
Mark takes on the important role of wig-bearer.




20:35:04 |
...and Tim also has a go. Top marks for accompanying facial expression here.
20:36:19 |
Is that whisky they're giving him? Evil, evil men.
20:40:55 |
Quite possibly taken by Rich, potentially in an attempt to demonstrate how sober he is.
20:43:16 |
Tim looking a wee bit cheeky.




20:43:36 |
I think this picture of David is meant to be upside down.
20:43:42 |
Far be it from me to interfere with the intended orientations of blah blah blah.
20:44:08 |
Barry, not entirely sure which way round this should be.
20:44:41 |
Another Rich close-up, and a slightly frightening one at that.




20:44:55 |
Mike, in one of his more aggressive looking poses of the evening.
20:52:54 |
The sheep is looking after Rich's seat while he's away, it appears.
20:56:23 |
Not sure if Rich is dancing here... could be.
20:56:29 |
...maybe more like staggering.




20:56:37 |
Yes, definitely an element of stagger about it.
21:03:30 |
Right then, we've now moved on to Pavlov's Dog, and we're kicking off with a fabulously camp picture of Kev, Mike, and that feather boa.
21:13:23 |
Outside, and I think Rich was busy engaging in a number of challenges involving strange women.
21:13:30 |
Well, clearly none are actively beating him, which must be a good sign.




21:13:39 |
Erm, not really sure what is going on to be honest.
21:13:48 |
Still, errr, yes.
21:13:57 |
Still looks like everyone is generally smiling...




21:15:04 |
A rather good dual self portrait type of picture taken by Simon.
21:16:17 |
Kev is in charge of the pitcher then, it seems... and look - Jim's joined us!
21:16:23 |
Mmmmmm pitchers.
21:16:33 |
Jim, Mike and Beer. Like a kind of holy trinity.




21:18:48 |
Rich, still raring to go.
21:18:53 |
Rich's university mates, plus Matt.
21:19:01 |
Simon said this looks like a band picture.... Either that or it's three people who don't really know each other.
21:19:32 |
Here's fighting Kev.




21:22:14 |
My camera obviously went a bit dodgy here - the colours are all over the place.
21:26:18 |
According to Simon, this is documented proof of me, a vegetarian, committing animal abuse.
21:26:25 |
Rich, and a random woman.
21:26:46 |
Is dancing occurring here?




21:26:55 |
Hmmmm... We seem to be standing around in a circle, maybe the game of "sheepball" had begun.
21:27:05 |
Good work here Simon - the sheep in mid-air.
21:27:27 |
Tragically the sheep landed on some broken glass, that Rich had deposited earlier.
21:27:35 |
Mike hiding the sheep from those who would revel in its downfall.




21:27:54 |
Looking a bit saggy now.
21:28:00 |
A cheeky looking mike holds a saggy looking sheep.
21:28:08 |
Still, everyone seems quite happy about the demise of the sheep.
21:28:08 |
Erm, it's going to get difficult soon to continue writing comments about the sheep.




21:28:15 |
The broken glass that burst the sheep.
21:28:28 |
I think we were wondering if we could draw a chalk outline or something.
21:29:14 |
Jim makes sure the broken glass is good and sharp.
21:30:07 |
Mike presenting the departed sheep to its rightful owner.




21:31:07 |
It did appear to make an attractive bag.
21:31:12 |
Not sure what's going on here.
21:31:27 |
A bit like burying your head in the sand... but, er, with a sheep instead.
21:31:29 |
Not sure why Mike was so keen to do this, to be honest...




21:31:34 |
The sheep also made a lovely hat.
21:31:45 |
Rich and Mike plus sheep hat.
21:31:51 |
They're looking a bit conspiratorial here.




21:31:54 |
Ok that's enough.
21:43:37 |
Clearly now the novelty of the sheep had worn off, attention was returning to the wig and feather boa.
21:49:55 |
Mike trying desparately to breath life back into the sheep.
21:51:19 |
Rich looking very pleased with himself... or drunk... or both.




21:52:13 |
David has a go with all the stag do getup.
21:58:18 |
It's not just a one person boa, of cours.e
22:04:04 |
Matt, possibly half asleep, and therefore may or may not realise he is wearing the wig.




22:04:27 |
Oh, he's noticed now.
22:12:02 |
A pleasingly crafty looking picture of Rich and Kev.
22:13:31 |
Jim seemed to particularly enjoy the wig.
22:15:32 |
Was getting quite busy by now then...




22:17:56 |
Jim looking very proud of his new hair piece.
22:32:07 |
A delightfully menacing posed group picture. Good work Simon.
22:32:33 |
...even better than the one before.
22:33:36 |
Not quite sure what she's trying to say here.... Note the pink feather. Good work.




22:34:41 |
Now I'm sure there is an underlying message here somewhere, but I can't quite work it out.
22:49:10 |
Right, well we must have left Pavlov's Dog now, and here is Richard mid stagger between here and, er, the next place.
22:49:34 |
Again, only darker.
23:08:31 |
Right then, I think we're in the Walkabout now, and here is Kev rather fetchingly sporting the wig.




23:08:42 |
Again, but at a funny angle.
23:20:49 |
A not particularly composed picture of Mark drinking the evil Bailey's and Lime concoction David or someone had tried to give to Richard.
23:20:59 |
A bit of a group picture, of sorts.
23:21:21 |
Lovely - Barry, Simon, and the gents toilets.




23:23:05 |
Rich seemed to be doing this hand gesture quite a lot after we got into the Walkabout.
23:23:42 |
A fairly dramatic picture I think you'll agree.
23:24:20 |
Mark, Rich and Kev all lined up against the wall, probably for support.
23:28:17 |
I don't know if this was intended to make it look like this young lady is about to head into the gents, or what, really.




23:29:01 |
Here she is again, looking slightly unappreciative of all the sudden photographic attention.
23:29:42 |
Rich with a girl whose name I believe was Katie.
23:30:02 |
Rich and another girl.




23:30:05 |
Rich and another further different girl.
23:30:08 |
The same picture again, but from a slightly different angle (and camera!).
23:31:48 |
She doesn't look impressed, whatever it is Simon is saying.
23:35:39 |
Strange feeling of deja vu...




23:42:06 |
Another odd picture posed for in front of the gents toilets. Lovely.
23:52:04 |
A small piece of amateur dramatics, Jim and Kev act out two camp blokes having an argument.
23:52:09 |
....errr and Barry joins in.
23:58:49 |
10/10 for random interloping there, unknown bloke.




00:24:51 |
The masses had assembled on the balcony towards the end of the evening, for fresh air etc.
00:25:10 |
Rich looking Devious.
00:30:47 |
Nice picture of Kev and Simon.
00:40:04 |
Some random people.


00:40:25 |
Here is the pile of vomit Rich deposited on the balcony before being escorted out by the bouncers, bringing the evening to a fitting close.
00:40:41 |
Oddly, Simon decided to round off with this picture of me. Cheers.