21:28. Marc, Nicoletta and Iain look
through some photos.
21:28. Hmmm... can't remember the
significance of this picture.
21:31. Meryem, avec ses amis francophones.
21:31. Meryem plus friends again.
21:47. Me enjoying some of le vin blanc,
and Sam enjoying le, errr,
Coke noir.
21:57. Nicoletta giving a particularly
piercing stare.
22:16. Just in case the corner of the
room above the door was feeling
left out.
22:16. Maybe during New York, New York...?
22:17. Aha! Meryem and Cedric's birthday cake, before...
22:17. ...and after the blowing.
22:19. Meryem proudly holding her
Gateaux des Simpsons. Um.
22:24. People inexplicably start
falling on the floor.
22:24. A demonstration of how zips work...?
22:24. I made the mistake of asking
if there was enough room in
this picture for my head...
I bet I think this song is
about me, etc.
22:24. Still people are lying about on
the floor.
22:25. ...and still..
22:25. Ah, finally, the notion of standing
up again has been widely accepted
as a good one.
22:26. However, only to be superceded by
falling about on a sofa...
22:27. Some kind of French yoga...?
22:29. A more sensible sofa configuration...
22:29. ...but not for long!
22:30. Sam wonders if it really is
that long.
22:32. Sam still pondering if it
really could be...
22:37. If only Meryem had a life long
ambition to stab Homer in the
head, it would now have been
22:42. Pinrad and Iain looking a bit dozy
23:01. Did anyone else used to do this
dance in their school discoes
to "White Lines"...?
23:01. ...In later life I was shocked
to find out this song was about
cocaine! (Gasp)
23:03. Still, as a pre-teenager I wasn't
going to deeply question the
ethics of anything that led to
an excuse to being sandwiched
inbetween two of my female
23:07. Errr... anyway, erm, I seem to have
strayed from the point...
Err, um...?
23:07. Ah right, yes, Meryem's birthday
23:12. And indeed, here we have some
white lines! Actually, this was
just salt, which apparently
helps to remove wine stains...?
23:20. Kali orexi - Bon appetit in Greek
(actually can't think of the English
23:31. Worryingly robotic dancing may
not have disappeared after all.
23:32. May have been part of my vain
attempts to learn how to belly
23:34. Meryem, on the other hand, is
a very good dancer.
Hardly a fair competition!
00:06. Erm not sure what was so interesting
stage right at this point.
00:21. A photo of a photo of one of
Meryem's friends, bizarrely
wrapped in a towel. Well,
technically, two towels. Hmmm,
isn't that the name of the next
Lord of the Rings film?
01:16. Meryem here thinking,
oh make him go away, please!
01:16. Me and Delia - what a nice couple!
01:17. Meryem thinking if she pretends
to look happy I might go away quicker.
01:19. Mr Werry avec Mlle Can.
01:21. Delia and Mark - an oddly more
fitting couple (than myself
and Delia, that is).
01:23. Tired looking people.
01:26. Pinrad's pyjamas! This may have
been a suggestion that it was time
to go to sleep.
01:26. The sort of picture you might well
pay good money for in certain
bookshops in Soho.
01:27. Mr Werry has actually been asleep
for the past half hour. Here
he is held up with an intricate
system of levers and pulleys.
01:29. Must be time to go home then.
Bon nuit, etc!