Friday 20th December 2002 (Index...)
10:15:31 Here's me and Chie, not long after my plane landed at Kansai airport. It took slightly longer to get through security than normal, thanks to an apple I inadvertantly left in my bag. |
10:27:35 A sign in the station for Kansai airport. Apparently, the "posting of Hills" is prohibited by law here. Quite what this means, I'm not too sure. |
12:51:39 In Osaka, somewhere near the castle, we thought it prudent to stop for a quick spot of tempura... Here's Chie's lunch... |
12:51:53 ...and here's mine. |
13:06:32 Chie looking quite pleased. |
13:06:55 Me enjoying a bit of sweet potato tempura. |
13:38:58 On the way to Osaka castle - in fact you can see it in the distance. |
13:46:29 Here's the bridge which leads to Osaka castle. |
13:46:43 Looks very majestic doesn't it? |
13:50:13 Me, somewhat sorter than Osaka castle. |
13:50:38 Chie, however, seems to measure up a bit more favourably. |
14:13:56 Surprisingly, the inside of Osaka castle had lifts and a very modern museum. Here's the view from the top. The big building there is NHK's Osaka office. |
14:14:25 Hmmm I think I was trying to get the golden fish in the shot...? |
14:15:40 Another view from atop Osaka castle. You can make out the big red wheel which I went on during a previous visit to Osaka... |
20:19:33 Some time later, and we're in Kana's flat (Chie's sister) in Kusatsu, near Kyoto. We'd decided to make kimchi nabe. It was really tasty! |
20:20:00 Me and Chie enjoying the Nabe, and me also enjoying some hot sake. |