Natsu Matsuri
Saturday 30th July 2005
Went for a walk in the afternoon, then had a quick dinner in Diamond City followed by going over to Chie's grandparent's part of town to have a look at the nastsu matsuri - summer festival.
> Maison de Stuff
> John
> John's Pictures
> Japanese
> Japan 2005 Part I
> Japan 2005 Part II



I went for a wander mid-afternoon to go and meet Chie, who was doing a one-off part-time job selling broadband somewhere or other. On the way back I took this picture at random - Fuchu is the town within Hiroshima where Chie's family lives.
Dinner at Mario's in Diamond City. This one had the wrong white balance setting so came out a bit blue...
...before I had a chance to take another, one of the waitresses had come along and offered to take a picture - and very nice it is too.



The steps up to a shrine near Chie's grandparents' house, where some sort of natsu matsuri (summer festival) was taking place.
Another shrine gate further up the steps.
...and the same again.



Also near Chie's grandparents' house - the summer festival also seemed to involve a few stalls selling the usual things-on-a-stick and some dancing.
Back at home, a rather naff attempt at taking a nice time picture of the town.
[video clip, 990 KB]
A still picture wouldn't really show very much of the dancing at the festival, so a short video clip seemed appropriate instead.