
Hirsohima Again

Hirsohima Again

Wednesday 27th - Thursday 28th July 2005

Another couple of days doing not very much in Hiroshima.

> Maison de Stuff
> John
> John's Pictures
> Japanese
> Japan 2005 Part I
> Japan 2005 Part II

Wednesday 16:32 Chie demonstrating her incredible inflating skirt (a fan was involved).

Wednesday 19:25 Some sweet potato tempura, and some, err, Russian vegetable (?!) tempura.

Wednesday 19:26 Some aspargaus, some aubergine, and some tempeh.

Thursday 11:57 Chie researching stuff on the PC, with the weather forecast on in the background.

Thursday 12:06 A rail map of the area around Hiroshima. This proved useful to have on my camera later on in the afternoon, when it helped me to realise I was on the wrong line!

Thursday 15:04 Mukainada - our nearest station - taken to make sure I knew where to come back to! Obviously I knew the name, I just didn't know the kanji for it.

Thursday 16:24 This is in Kure, where I randomly went for a bit in the afternoon to kill time. Some sort of statue - of Neptune perhaps...?

Thursday 16:26 The harbour in Kure.

Thursday 16:27 A great big ship called the Formosa or something.

Thursday 16:31 Me enjoying a beer by the harbour... all by myself!

Thursday 16:42 A ferry or something.