Videos ofJapan
- John feeding deer (1.19m)
- Although the cracker things (specially made for deer we were told) didn't seem
to be enough, and a couple seemed to prefer the taste of denim.
- Deer walking about (708k)
- Just deer really.
- Giant Buddha (1.93m)
- The Giant Buddha, plus the smaller statue by the side, in Nara.
- Inflatable Deer (871k)
- Chie really wanted one of these!
- Ryoanji Zen Garden (1.01m)
- The leaflet said "it will be left to each visitor to decide the garden's meaning
and significance".
- Ringing bell (571k)
- Not sure what this is all about.
- Kana playing hammer game (806k)
- Fantastic, Chie's sister banging a video screen in a games centre in Tokyo.
- Osaka big wheel (1.53m)
- The big red wheel coming out of the top of a department centre in Osaka.
- John on monkey bars (1.15m)
- John fooling around on monkey bars in Hiroshima.
- Chie on slide (456k)
- Chie on one of those rope slide things in Hiroshima.