UK Autumn 2005

A Walk in the Dark - UK Autumn 2005

A Walk in the Dark

Tuesday 11th October 2005

After dinner and a few drinks, Dad and I decided to take the dog for a walk in the dark.

> Maison de Stuff
> John
> John's Pictures
> UK Autumn 2005

23:31:16 Taken whilst walking down a dark country lane... too dark to see anything really here! Interesting though how the flash seems to have reflected off the raindrops.

23:31:33 Can just about make out Dad here.

23:41:59 A tractor!

23:43:25 This is by the sea now, although a bit difficult to actually see it!

23:43:52 Dad and Yates, who, as a trained guide dog, was excellent help for walking in the dark.

23:44:20 A self portrait of me looking a bit soggy!

23:47:17 Me having a brief restorative.

23:48:37 An attempt to take a picture out to sea, with a long exposure and the flash off.