Tokyo September 2006

Saturday with Leon, Gav and Stu - Tokyo September 2006

Saturday with Leon, Gav and Stu

Saturday 2nd September 2006

The second installment of Leon Gav and Stu's weekend in Tokyo. Actually we didn't see Gav and Stu until quite late on, and spent most of the afternoon / evening with Leon, including a trip to the famous Takaosan beer garden.

> Maison de Stuff
> John
> John's Pictures
> Tokyo September 2006

14:41:39 Saturday afternoon and Gav/Stu were still AWOL, so we decided to press on with our plans regardless. Another nostalgic event - Chie and Leon cleaning there glasses in this passageway in Shinjuku -just like five years ago.

14:42:39 There was all many of cloudy stuff coming off Leon's glasses but this picture hasn't really captured that.

15:35:27 We thought it prudent to try and pack in a decent meal before continuing with our plans, so popped into Lorenzo's favourite spaghetti place in Shinjuku.

17:17:40 So, here we are on the train on the way to Takaosan. I think Leon is re-enacting the Japanese joke from last night (but with oolong tea instead of beer).

17:17:45 I was taking advantage of the almost empty train to spread out a bit, and get some much needed rest.

18:09:36 So here we are at Takaosan now, one of the temple buildings on top of the mountain.

18:09:41 A bit blurry - I think last night's beer drenching may have had an adverse effect on my camera.

18:32:15 It was getting pretty dark by this point, so not much chance any pictures were going to come out!

18:33:09 A picture of the three of us at the top of the mountain, in a place were there were less trees and so still a bit of light.

18:33:48 Leon suggested putting the camera on a slow shutter setting then moving about a lot.

18:50:29 The moon was just popping out, and I rather liked this night time scene with some silhoutted trees and part of the roof of one of the temple buildings... unfortunately the picture didn't really do it justice.

19:08:11 The main reason for coming to Takaosan was to visit the beer garden. It was very crowded and on a one-in-one-out sort of system, but we were quite determined to sit it out, aided by the free beer they give you whilst you're waiting.

19:55:24 Eventually our perserverance paid off, so here we are in the beer garden.

20:52:20 Chie and Leon having a bit of a fight.

20:53:30 One of the great things about the Takaosan beer garden is the night views out over the suburbs of Tokyo.

20:53:37 Same again in landscape to get a bit more of that night view in. I was obviously really struggling to take non-blurry pictures today!

20:53:58 Chie did a much better job.

21:27:18 Another group's picture looked more fun than ours.

21:31:07 Note here my hands were actually quite steady, but Chie was moving.

21:35:51 Waiting to get on the cable car on the way back down.

21:36:57 Here's the cable car (or Fenicular railway?).

21:37:49 Leon attemts to get his head stuck between the bars.

21:45:35 Leon wearing Chie's hat. Nice.

21:47:05 Down at the bottom of the cable car run.

22:03:02 Leon on the train on the way back to the centre of Tokyo.

22:03:14 I think he's just pretending here.

22:49:34 Apparently I also had to wear Chie's hat.

00:10:03 Finally we got back to Shinjuku were we met up with Gav and Stu in the Dubliner's.

00:42:09 After that we went for a somewhat fruitless wander to try and find somewhere fun around Shinjuku. I think this is a KFC advert, and Leon/Gav were somewhat surprised at the presence of bacon. Or something.

00:58:20 This is Golden Gai, which we inspect for interesting bars etc. It was a bit disappointing. So a short while later the boys decided to head on to Shibuya, but me and Chie decided to call it a night.