13:25:51 We had a quick spot of lunch at our flat first, and Rob seized my camera and embarked on a frenzy of random kitchen photos. | 13:26:22 | 13:28:05 There's Chie shopping somethin. |

13:29:35 | 13:30:03 Actually quite a nice picture of our lounge - doesn't it look light and airy? | 13:30:10 |

13:30:18 More kitchen photos... | 13:30:36 | 13:30:40 |

13:30:47 | 13:33:31 Here's lunch then. | 13:33:43 Very nice Fortnum and Mason olive oil. |

14:12:49 Rob and Kate on the Number 24 bus bound for the centre. | 14:27:11 Lovely touristy picture on the bus - going past the houses of parliament here. | 17:07:09 I attempted to take a couple of pictures in the theatre after Spamalot was finished, but they came out very blurry indeed. |

17:07:27 ...a shame! | 17:09:14 Outside the theatre, I really like this picture... | 17:09:32 ...although I'm not so fond of this one! |

17:21:50 At the Lamb and Flag where we went for a post-theatre drink. | 18:15:22 Walking down the Burlington Arcade - I felt this needed a photo. | 18:15:34 |

18:18:46 | 18:51:46 Dinner at a Japanese restaurant called Yoshino, just of Piccadilly. | 18:51:51 Chie and her dinner. |

21:33:25 Back at the flat now, where we spent the remainder of the evening chatting and sipping Pimm's. | 21:33:29 | 21:33:37 Not sure all of these pictures were really necessary. |

21:39:57 That's a bit better - don't we look civilised! | 21:40:03 |