Monday 11th and Tuesday 12th July 2005. A short trip to Seattle for an interview, during which I had a brief opportunity to do a bit of sightseeing.




Monday 11 July 07:14
In my hotel room, I needed fashion advice from Chie, and by the magic of the internet she could see this picture just a couple of minutes after I took it.
Monday 11 July 07:15
With or without the jacket...?
Monday 11 July 07:16
Another couple of attempts as the first two were not that great...
Monday 11 July 07:16
...and again.




Monday 11 July 08:29
Just to make absolutely sure I was in the right place...
Monday 11 July 08:37
These logos are absolutely everywhere!
Monday 11 July 20:24
Close to my hotel I spotted this Mexican restaurant - Azteca - and after a brief check of their website I found they had a pretty good vegetarian menu... So I thought I would give it a go!
Monday 11 July 20:41
My "vegi-macho" burrito, plus a bottle of Corona, and the unnecessarily large basket of free tortilla chips.




Monday 11 July 21:14
The sign taken on my way out.
Tuesday 12 July 10:01
So, having a few hours to spare in the morning on Tuesday before my flight, I thought I ought to take the opportunity to do some sightseeing in Seattle.... and naturally my first port of call was the Space Needle. It wasn't quite as big as I'd imagined!
Tuesday 12 July 10:04
The bit at the bottom of the Space Needle.
Tuesday 12 July 10:04
Somehow it seemed unfair to neglect the middle bit.




Tuesday 12 July 10:04
....and there's the top bit.
Tuesday 12 July 10:14
In glorious Simpsons' style, Seattle has a monorail. So all the time I was on this I had the "Monorail, Monorail, Monorail!" song going round in my head. That and "Nah, it's more of a.... Shelbyville idea.".
Tuesday 12 July 10:20
A bit of the Space Needle seen through one of the upper windows of the monorail train. Unfortunately the windows at the side of the train were sort of shaded so not that easy to get pictures through - this seems like a bit of an oversight to me!
Tuesday 12 July 10:30
A street scene in Seattle with no particular purpose. I guess when I go to a city/country for the first time everything is interesting to me to begin with, even mundane streets and buildings.




Tuesday 12 July 10:32
A view down a road leading to the Waterfront, at the bottom of which is the market. I think the market is called Pike Place or something...?
Tuesday 12 July 10:34
Inside the market...
Tuesday 12 July 10:34
Another random view inside the market.
Tuesday 12 July 10:37
This is Chukar Cherries, which I get the impression is sort of famous or something in Seattle. I bought some omiyage here!




Tuesday 12 July 10:42
Elsewhere in the market is a "pub" which appears to brew its own ale on the premises. Very commendable. Sadly it wasn't open in the morning for me to sample any though!
Tuesday 12 July 10:46
A view out over the water taken from a viewing point inside the market.
Tuesday 12 July 10:47
Another view from the same place...
Tuesday 12 July 10:47
...and another one.




Tuesday 12 July 10:59
I think this is outside now, near the market. There was a nice sky!
Tuesday 12 July 10:59
Again from the same spot.
Tuesday 12 July 11:10
I believe this is called Harbour Steps. Streets going up steps like this remind me of Edinburgh... Only this is of course a lot more modern!
Tuesday 12 July 11:18
A moving statue thing (the arm holding the hammer moves up and down). I wonder if it is on 24/7, or if it gets turned off at night when the last person goes home...?




Tuesday 12 July 12:14
My lunch, bought from Georgio's Subs next to the monorail station in a shopping centre which may have been called Westlake (?). Don't remember exactly. Note the Pink Lemonade Snapple. Not for any particular reason, just note it.
Tuesday 12 July 12:15
A view out to some buildings, taken from the place where I ate lunch.
Tuesday 12 July 12:17
Me eating lunch!
Tuesday 12 July 12:36
The monorail train as it arrived in the station.



Tuesday 12 July 12:39
Taken from inside the monorail train as it approached the Space Needle.
Tuesday 12 July 15:11
The little plane that would fly me back to Vancouver, from where I would be heading back to London.
Tuesday 12 July 15:11
Another attempt as the first one wasn't that well composed!